@d-healey What an improvement! A cool thing to benefit from the expansion would be product authorization using the offered communication capability...
@d-healey How did you make exp work? I tried creating exp in hise and then i copy Expansion Folder to Expansion folder in %appdata% but without sucess.
@d-healey i missed it :) thanks!
I was only trying to create some hybrid instruments (samples and synth) with a minimal interface (some basic tweak knobs), export it as Hise instruments (not vst) and loading those fast without the hole modules chain (just that minimal interface) inside Hise. Something like the Halion instruments that you load in the Halion SE (or however they call that free player). And i wanted to be able to share those little instruments whith someone else (this means being able to export the thing as an Hise file with the samples too). I don`t think that is possible right now. Is it?
And another thing: can someone point me to some synths/romplers made in Hise ? I mean vst for Windows. I am just curious, and maybe they are good and i can use them in production. Thank you. -
@arakelian90 check dave healeys site - and mine:
https://channlerobot.com-- there's plenty of others too... chime in everyone...
Example projects
https://github.com/christophhart/hise_tutorial -
And another thing: can someone point me to some synths/romplers made in Hise ? I mean vst for Windows. I am just curious, and maybe they are good and i can use them in production. Thank you.
I'm working on one... check out this thread (https://forum.hise.audio/topic/2191/another-one) - almost done with an update, sounds and looks better than the one on the thread. Will post it as soon as it finished
https://channelrobot.com ,that is :)
@musictop You should have registered channlerobot.com and redirected it to your website :p
@musictop LOL - cant even spell my own site......
@Lindon hehe... that's why forum friends are for... ;)
@d-healey lol
Expansions tutorial is now available to Patrons - https://www.patreon.com/davidhealey
Thank you all for your help and links.. i`ll try some of your plugins.