2d Physics engine using Box2d
It would be awesome to be able to create physics driven UI controls ( here is an example using gravity and an XY pad https://youtu.be/cJAjOV44eUA?t=354
Any chance that this could be done in HISE via Juce's Box2d class implementation? (https://docs.juce.com/master/classBox2DRenderer.html)
Combined with the Scriptnode's capabilities it could open a lot of dope creative possibilities ;)
Which part of that video shows the example? If it's just an XY pad with gravity you can probably create that already using a panel and a timer. Search the forum and see if you can find the pong game that Christoph built in HISE.
@d-healey That's a great solution for what I want to build as a starter! Thanks! :)
@briandoliveira I was wondering about this the other day. I was thinking of something like the NI Komplete Keyboards mod wheel. I can't find the pong thread in search though. Did you find it anywhere?
@SteveRiggs Actually it might not have been a thread of its own. I remember Christoph mentioned it in my snake thread.
@d-healey There's a snake in my flute!
Thanks mate. Looks like it's a script he made somewhere. I'll check github...