[Solved] Sampler Glide Script Broken
@SteveRiggs No idea, I would expect them to be in the Samples folder.
@d-healey Thats what I thought. Should be the same as last time. Weird.
It's saying there are a couple of files with the wrong ID as well. Not sure if that could be the reason why, or how I'd go about fixing them.
Sorry about all this! This is my first sampled instrument so I've not exported one before thats finished.
My guess would be that there shouldn't be spaces in the names of the sample maps?
I'm not sure how to fix an absolute path though, or what that is?
Your raw samples (wav/aiff) should be inside the Samples folder. In your sample map they should have the
wildcard in the path, this will make them relative and not absolute. This is the default behaviour of HISE when you map samples by dragging them in from the Samples folder. -
@d-healey Ah, the drum samples had a different path. Fixing that now. Thank you!
Any idea why the ID is wrong for the .xml file though? I'm sure what would be classed as wrong. Do the spaces make a difference?
@SteveRiggs I don't think spaces make a difference
@d-healey Damn. Not sure what to do about that bit then. I wonder what it means by 'the correct ID'?
Oh have you checked the id property in the xml, I noticed sometimes that gets reset to
Not too sure where I'm looking. This is whats inside the xml...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <samplemap ID="" RRGroupAmount="1" MicPositions=";"> <sample Root="60" LoKey="12" HiKey="108" LoVel="0" HiVel="127" RRGroup="1" FileName="{PROJECT_FOLDER}808 BASS 1 C3 .wav" Duplicate="1"/> </samplemap>```
@d-healey I'm assuming something needs to be inside the 2 quotaion marks after samplemap ID.
Would I need the full file name in there? as well as the .xml extension on the end?
@SteveRiggs Just the file name I think, without the .xml
@d-healey Thanks mate. I'll try it now. It looks like every samplemap .xml needs changing. All are reset to "". Joy!
@d-healey Wow that was a tedious job. All 35 .xml file ID's changed and no more errors there. Thank you.
It's still not outputting any .ch or .hr1 files though, even though it says its done it without any errors. They are nowhere to be seen.
Is there another way? I remember last time when I exported the test version in June, when I opened it in Ableton there was a pop up on the plugin window that said it needed the .hr1 file before it would work that wouldn't go away until you directed it to the .hr1 file, stopping the plugin from opening properly.
If I added a settings menu to the plugin with the sample library redirect option, and then my client/users will be able to put the samples where ever they want? .. and the pop up menu on over the vst version wont be there then?
Ok, so that kinda works, but it's a bit of a clunky way to have it.
I opened the exported plugin in Ableton now and clicked the 'choose sample folder' and it does redirect them. This pop-up message comes up first though which could be confusing for users.
It would be great to find out why the .hr1 and .ch files aren't exporting though so that it can be done the proper way. This will be ok for now for testing and until I get my client to sort his licences, but I don't think it's ideal for a released plugin when it gets to that point.
@SteveRiggs setting up Sample Maps is a fragile business. You just about MUST put your samples in the Samples folder FIRST, before doing anything else.
If I were you I'd start with a clean (empty/new) sample map, having put all my samples in the Sample folder, and then re-map them, once done I'd press the Disk icon and save as my new name, go check this has been done by looking in the SampleMaps folder, then press the "down arrow" to make the .ch file, then I'd double check I had the ch file in the Samples folder.
Do this for all your sample maps, and only then then Export>Export Samples for Installer to make the hr1 file - BEFORE you just press OK, make sure your have the correct Target Directory set up.
@Lindon Thanks, mate. I've managed to get the .ch1 files now for all sample maps (I didn't know about the down arrow. Good shout!)
Still not getting a .hr1 file though when I 'export samples for installer'. I have my target directory set to the main project folder. I assume that's right?
@SteveRiggs post a quick screen shot and we can check.
@Lindon Here you go
@SteveRiggs hm look sOK - perhaps try Resume on existing Archive = No, just guessing here.
@Lindon Weird isn't it. I've tried with no selected as well but still no joy.
As soon as I hit ok the message pops up saying all samples were exported without errors, but it's as soon as I push ok. No export progress bar or wait. It seems to happen to quick for it to be doing anything, and no .hr1 file is in any of the folders.
It says exporting in the status bar, but even if you leave it a while still nothing