Vanishing viewpoint
I want the viewpoint I have in panel 1 to disappear with that panel when panel 1 is set to invisible. How can I go about doing this?
*I did not establish the viewpoint in panel 1. I established the viewpoint with script. I would like to script that viewpoint's visibility property to the visibility of panel 1 so that when panel 1's becomes invisible, so does the viewpoint.
<my ui object>.showControl(Boolean);
If I understand correctly;
If you make the panel 1 invincible, normally viewpoint will be too, because viewport is in panel1.
If you want only viewpoint visible, then group other elements in panel1 into another panel and make this new panel invincible. Do not make invincible panel 1, because it is the main container.
Or send a snippet, let's see what we can do ;)