Any 'Packages' users?
So just looked in a little deeper and they are infact installing to the hard drive.
I noticed that there are two plugin locations on a Mac for anyone finding similar issues...1. Users>Computername>library>audio>plugins
2. library>audio>pluginsI was initially checking location 1 but the installer was writing to loaction 2.
Thanks to everyone for helping out
@LeeC It’s definitely not the easiest process. Once you get it though, it makes sense. I’ve been meaning to do a video on this to put in here but haven’t had the time yet. I will do as soon as I can though.
@SteveRiggs I actually thought that this would be one of the easier things
@LeeC Same! Apparently not though haha. Theres a lot of steps to remember. At least once the first one is working you can reference back to it to see where everything's meant to be if you get stuck next time around.
@SteveRiggs Yeah exactly
Hey guys,
am I correct to conclude that with Packages, an end-user can not choose an install directory for anything, only the hard disc where things will get installed into their default locations as set by the developer?