Low velocity and full volume sample
Hey guys!
How can I make a sample play at full volume when the HiVel is less than 127?
Basically I want to control separately the modulation between the LoVel and HiVel in my velocity layers.Trying the Velocity Modulator in the sampler but can't figure how to do this.
Add a velocity modulator to the gain section and enable the table button.
The left side is low velocity, the right side is high velocity. The position of the nodes at either end (or any you add in between) determines how incoming velocity is mapped. So in the default with the left node at 0 an incoming velocity of 0 will translate to 0 gain.
If you want to completely reverse the default configuration you can raise the left node to the top and lower the right node to the bottom. Or just enable the Inverted button.
Damn, so easy. Thanks again David!