Compile HISE Problems
@hisefilo Excellent. I think thats done it! Thanks mate.
Ok so I've just done "Export as FX Plugin" and it said "check sample references - do you want to validate all sample references" .. so I clicked ok and chose export format at VST + AU
It then says, "batch file already found - do you want to rewrite the batch file for the compile process" so clicked ok.
a text window pops up and runs through this...
.. and that should be it? Not sure where to find my exported vst and au files now though
Almost there! Thanks for your patience.
@SteveRiggs that exceeds my basic experience. AFAIK you need xcpretty ('gem install xcpretty' on terminal) I remember I faced the same, and also Xcode command line tools is needed. I guess those were installed on Xcode install in my mac, so it just worked.
AFAIK Is good to rebuild batch files when you are asked for. Those files were paced there by the compiler on last compilation.
@hisefilo Man this is hard work
Ok, I installed xcpretty in terminal, i think that worked... and also tried installing command line tools, but it said that was already installed.
I now get this message when trying to export vst and au from HISE. It says I need xcodebuild? Any ideas?
@SteveRiggs Can't remember what I've done. I guess I googled.
xcode-select is not finding the proper folder for command line tools since Hise invoques xcode build to compile. A workaround is to open the projucer project generated on /Binaries and compile it manually on Xcode
I remember I spent like 2 days to get my first plugin running :) don't panic
@SteveRiggs sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/ if you are brave :)
@hisefilo I'll try it! what do I do? add sudo xcode-select --switch into terminal? As long as it doesnt kill my mac
I had a look in the applications folder and theres no in there :s
@SteveRiggs Mhm so you'll need to install Xcode first. Don't know why but was already there on my Mac.
@hisefilo Ah crap!
@SteveRiggs I'm still on high sierra becuase the GUI maker I use for my kontakt libraries only supports this one. I dont think it works on anything higher. I'm half way through building a library for a client in there at the moment... and also, the last time I tried to do the update, my mac froze for about 5 hours on a black screen. I eventually turned it off but now it doesnt shut down properly and i have to hold the power button down every time. Not sure what to do now cus if I corrupt the install I wont know how to get it back working again. Got a full diary at the moment for engineering jobs in the studio and also building plugins for clients and loads of other projects so it could be suicide for business if I run into problems with any of it. Brains fried now
@SteveRiggs No need to update our macos. Just use a previous version of Xcode. In fact Im using Xcode 8. find the one that's supported on high sierra. Im a step behind, still on Sierra
@hisefilo Amazing. Cheers dude! Downloading xcode 8 now. Fingers crossed this works!!!
@hisefilo Ok so I finally got xcode downloaded and installed and I tried the export again from HISE but I'm still getting the same error message below... And its strangely still not showing up in the applications folder
@hisefilo I've tried some googling and did the " sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/ " in terminal also, but its saying its an invalid developer directory
@hisefilo It almost worked that time! Got right to the end of the build and then failed. It even made the vst file. Progress, but still no cigar! I'll keep going....
@SteveRiggs you are almost there! there's a checkbox on Hise to that I think will fix that.
@hisefilo Almost!!! I think that box is already ticked though.
@SteveRiggs LOL never faced that issue. try unchecking.
Here's a post about it -
@hisefilo Hard work right! Haha. Thanks, just having a read through the post and I'll try running it again now...
@hisefilo IT'S ALLLIIIIIVE!!!!