Setting an Inteface value from container
Why don't you put that code in your main interface script?
Think you edited the post after I posted or I didn't read your post properly :p
Yes the on note in the main interface does fire.
HiseSnippet 652.3ocsUssaSCCF1tsdhVNHlDO.Q6pNowTJrMPZWvX8.pBVWEYLwcSdNtqVywNxwYPEhWSdN3M.9cR1RKjMsfD9p7e3K4ye+GxTilwSRzFDt8IKh4H7iHAKT148mSEJz3AH7SHGQSrbiWtqCWDSSR3gHLt46bNvsagxN+7MGRkTEiW5BgNUKX7OHhD1RuSO38BobDMjehHZor24fwLspuVpSA9zj3ihorKoWvmPco0ffvqMLTX0l.K0xSfbNTGtHXt9Kp77OUjHNWxcF8PAvKJ2Mp+bgLb5020DDB2ZZ4MuY9M+YjiDgha7Wp.OMKfWIhk0.biUoTqUnTuaiRizxP2K3VnGdI50JmdqSBXFQrsLhiaOjLVAEmYTP1WlV44hv+fzWCInraGQujOx.F2.n6d99a4squ+l6OKUwrBsxSqlns7iUc2ry25z1CN.9DsjucrQnrc2XNWJ0ar49c9dm+DzrY4nVMj66azRI2TUTWGf4Nf0UkFcN2rk2UTYJ+57.QYUUes6mpyx0hkRTqFqD1ii4E1k0kdUTWPEhI7zmFOfZotRUgOHuXtwJbzAOfeEz2mW3ZSFvStzpigN++ppB8V5vTI0tZCmaxpH.HGqTYckOUhvtX4IuZzE5WYWXk216IcWmLUXYyqluMpfufp8+luEyzOlLb1LNyVR1VjQe9ec.tFT4i5TqPcwQTqQ7UDlLIMJ.Vqw3.STJtD9PDbCWGUtsuy1oLAbUXlwufSQvdNabQvdWGDEQYF8Yr7AE2ViGj4A3jJagYaXyMX60CkM7jy6HXU1YLlSHdNv7pQ7hZi3k0FwN0Fwt0Fwd0FwqpMhWeGHb+23soVcT9XA3X5vr0FX7PEE5px5.Q+FLEdAMB
Wow this is SOOO frustrating - now the on note is firing in the main interface,....but I had to reload the entire project to make it do it.
@d-healey thanks anyway.
In all my projects I defer the callbacks in the interface script and do all real-time stuff in sub scripts. I was working on a project yesterday that used key switching, which is obviously real-time, so I put it in a sub-script. However I wanted the keyswitch to update the GUI.
My solution was to have a global variable called
and whenever a keyswitch was pressed the sub-script would update this variable with a number that referenced the selected articulation. In the interface script'sonNote
callback I put a simple check to see if the value of the global variable had changed and if it has I update the GUI appropriately. -
@d-healey Yes I'm begining to think Globals are the way to go for a lot of things...
@Lindon Not necessarily. I generally try to avoid them because it can make scripts trickier to debug and maintain at a later date.
My keyswitches for example work by enabling/disabling samplers using MIDI muters so instead of using a global variable I could have checked the state of the muters. But for this particular use case I applied a kind of Occam's razor approach and decided a global was right.
@d-healey yes I think there are cases (and I have one) where this is the way to go... now I've tried this but I cant seem to get my container to recognise my Global variable, here's what I've done:
in my Interface on Init I said:
var triggerNote;
in my control call back I say:
inline function onArticulations_TRIGGER_ELECTRICControl(component, value) { triggerNote = -99; Console.print("set up:" + triggerNote); };
and this prints to the Console nicely...
in my containers on note call back I say:
function onNoteOn() { Console.print(triggerNote); }
and I get this error message:
Script Processor_TRIGGER:! onNoteOn() - Line 3, column 15: API call with undefined parameter 0
- so triggerNote is undefined for my on note container call back - how do I reference globals then?
Do I need to referece my Interface script somehow? Im mystifid as usual. How can something as simple as global variables be this hard?
D*mn it! I hate people who ask questions without first searching the forum...
FR: Global variables scripting API
If a function references a variable from a script that was deleted, then surely you just throw an error "variable is undefined" What would the code look like...
Forum (
Still, yet another undocumented add to Christoph's list
@Lindon I think it is documented in the blog posts
@d-healey yeah because blog-posts = documentation