[Feature Request] Get rgba values from pixels
I think we need a function that get the rbga values from pixels of an image.
I've tried to do this in Javascript though webview but i couldn't find a way to send the data back into HISE.
Also I found there's a juce class called bitmapData that has some functions probably does this and I tried to bring these into HISE myself but after getting bunch of errors over about 20 times i found out maybe I can't do this properly with my c++ skills and my current understanding to the source code of HISE.
@Allen I was actually thinking about this same exact thing a while back, getting features for image analysis would be useful. My use case is finding the most common color in an image and displaying that within the ui.
Krita is open source and C++, the answer might be there somewhere, surely the colour picker logic could be tinkered with. Not that I would know