Change pitch
If I have a sampler, and each time I play a key, I wan't to change the pitch of the triggered sample, how would I do that?
@Sampletekk Do you want to change it by a random amount?
@d-healey Yep
@Sampletekk Add a random modulator to the sampler's pitch chain.
@d-healey That was simple! Thanks!
@d-healey ...and if you, as I, wish to change the pitch on a sample level, so that the change of pitch is always the same on a certain note?
@d-healey Hmm, say that I always want to change the pitch for a sample with notenumber 63 and pitch that down 0.2 cent
You could try
if note == 63 Synth.addPitchFade(eventid, 0, -0.2);
But if you always want that why not set it in the sample map?
@d-healey I want to set the pitch randomly for each note, but I think I've got it now!