Hise Crashing...
Lately I've been expericing some streaming and crashing with Hise (See Below:
This crash happened in HISE, when it copying sample data from one buffer into another.
0 0x0000000102777431 _ZN4juce11SystemStats17getStackBacktraceEv + 65
1 0x000000010261e0d9 _ZN2gm12SharedLogger12crashHandlerEPv + 121
2 0x000000010277769d _ZN4juceL11handleCrashEi + 13
3 0x00007fff5dc22f5a _sigtramp + 26
4 0x00007000008b3c90 0x0 + 123145311435920
5 0x00000001026cd629 _ZN4hlac16HiseSampleBuffer4copyERS0_RKS0_iii + 201
6 0x00000001026da0ab _ZNK4hise12SampleLoader15fillVoiceBufferERN4hlac16HiseSampleBufferEd + 347
7 0x00000001026da82b _ZN4hise21StreamingSamplerVoice15renderNextBlockERN4juce11AudioBufferIfEEii + 123Also had a sound crash on the audio thread, 3 seconds after preloading the sample finished. The preload size was 32768 (our "HDD Slow" mode)
@MIDIculous I think there's a bunch of fishy stuff going on with samples/ sample maps/ monoliths at the moment
@dustbro What do you mean by that?