Number entry - perhaps "Missing Widgets" again
@Lindon I did this last week. Look up the missing widgets topic
oh sorry I missed the bit about manual entry - - doofus again.
@d-healey Clearly I dont know how to use HISE at all.......
I do I IMPORT a snippet into an existing project?
I've tried creating a new project - importing the snippet , copying the JSON nad pasting that into my existing project - where my mental model tells me I should then see these widgets - but all I'm getting is array errors...
@Lindon Copy the snippet to the clipboard then
File >> Import HISE snippet
@d-healey done that - all it does it blat my entire project...
@Lindon A HISE snippet is essentially a .hip file so it will replace whatever .hip you currently have open.
OK then I clearly dont understand how to open or save projects:
- Start HISE
2.File>recent projects>blah\blah\TheModenists - Do you want to switch projects -> OK
- Do you want to load Xylophone.xml? _ OK
- Project loads and displays.
- File>Import HISE snippet
-- blat every part of my just loaded project is gone, replaced by only your two widgets....
- Start HISE
@Lindon said in Number entry - perhaps "Missing Widgets" again:
- File>Import HISE snippet
-- blat every part of my just loaded project is gone, replaced by only your two widgets....
Your project is the folder that contains all of the project folders: Binaries, AudioFiles, Samples, SampleMaps etc.
A project can have many presets - .hip files. When you press CTRL+S you are saving a .hip file.
When you export a snippet you capture the state of the currently loaded .hip. When you import a snippet you are loading the state of that .hip file. The snippet is a way of easily sharing .hip files via text.
What you need to do is import the .hip and look at the script, copy everything that's in there to a text document. Then open .hip you're working on and use the bits of my code that are applicable.
- File>Import HISE snippet
OK as I feared snippets are a nice way to demo a function - not a nice way to SHARE a function.
In fact there is no nice way to copy functionality WITHIN a project (Control-D yes) but what happened to the sensible control-c in one project and control-v in another for widgets at least....
There si so much in HISE that is good and so much that is a MASSIVE frustration/blocker
@Lindon They do both. Just open the script editor and grab the script. The great thing about a snippet is it shows how the code works in a context.
@d-healey I wanted to grab the widget!
@Lindon But it's not a real widget, it's a panel and a label and some code. You only need the label and some of the code from what I understand? The closest we can do to sharing a widget is to create a factory function and share that, but I haven't got around to creating one yet. When I do I'll add it to my UI library on github.
OK I get it ... so I copied your code and widget approaich, changed the names (to match my widget names) and the inc/dec now no longer works:
const var AuthNumberLabel1 = Content.getComponent("AuthNumberLabel1"); AuthNumberLabel1.setControlCallback(AuthNumberLabel1CB); const var AuthNumberPanel1 = Content.getComponent("AuthNumberPanel1"); = AuthNumberLabel1; //Pass label to panel AuthNumberPanel1.setPaintRoutine(function(g){ g.fillAll(0xFF333333); g.setColour(0xFFFFFFFF); g.fillTriangle([10, 20, 10, 10], Math.toRadians(270)); g.fillTriangle([this.getWidth()-20, 20, 10, 10], Math.toRadians(90)); }); AuthNumberPanel1.setMouseCallback(function(event){ if (event.clicked) { var v = parseInt(event.x / this.getWidth() * 2); //Check if left or right side clicked //Inc or Dec value v == 1 ? this.setValue(this.getValue()+1) : this.setValue(this.getValue()-1); //Limit value to panel min/max this.setValue(Math.range(this.getValue(), this.get("min"), this.get("max")));"text", this.getValue()); } }); //Label callback inline function AuthNumberLabel1CB(control, value) { local v = parseInt(value); if (Engine.matchesRegex(value, "\d") == 0) //Value contains only numbers { if (v >= AuthNumberPanel1.get("min") && v <= AuthNumberPanel1.get("max")) { AuthNumberPanel1.setValue(v); } else { control.set("text", AuthNumberPanel1.getValue()); } } else { control.set("text", AuthNumberPanel1.getValue()); } };
So for those not needing the nice arrow buttons and happy enough with just getting a number field sorted this code works fine:
function onControl(myControl, myValue) { if (myControl == yourNumberLabel){ var myres = parseInt(myValue, 10); yourNumberLabel.set("text",myres); }; };