Most Current Packaging Ideas?
How are you installing the .vst3 file with a dmg? Apparently aliases to the Library folder are disallowed by Apple, and there's no way to create an alias to the user folder. DMGCanvas suggested making a .pkg instead.
@Simon I don't use dmg, I use pkg.
@d-healey I actually would prefer to use .pkg also. Sorry I misspoke.
@d-healey I went to DMG Canvas website. They have a package builder app as well as DMG Canvas. Are you suggesting DMG Canvas over the other?
@Chazrox I think David only suggested DMG Canvas because you specifically asked for .dmg in your first post. A .pkg with Package Builder does seem to be the way to go for distributing a vst.
Btw the free download of Package Builder is full featured, just with a watermark.
@Simon Solid. Thank you.
@Chazrox I use white box packages
@d-healey making that purchase asap! Thank You again sir!
@Chazrox No need to buy anything! David's suggested Whitebox Packages is free, and different from the paid Araelium Package Builder
@Simon Im definitely buying the full version for 0 watermark and custom images features. Currently disabled in free version just found out.
@Chazrox Full version of what?
@Chazrox There is no watermark or paid version of Whitebox Packages, it's free of charge -