Automations - strange behaviour when editing point value
Hey guys,
I have a problem with automation editing with plugins developed and compiled using HISE. I'm working on a compressor and I would like to automate most of the parameters such as the Threshold in the correct range that I've defined inside HISE. I know how to enable automation for parameters in HISE using isPluginParameter and I know how to set the range for the parameter. The problem is that when I use the plugin inside any DAW and let's say I want to automate the Threshold which has a range between -60 and 0 dB, I see the correct range displayed in the automation slot but when I try to edit a single point in the automation curve I can only input a normalised value between 0 and 1. I would like to be able to input a value between -60 and 0. By doing some research on this topic I found out that this problem might be releated to the function NormalisableRange() in JUCE. I might be wrong though nevertheless I need a solution to this problem. I attached two images to this post to better explain my problem.
@Christoph-Hart you are probably the only one who can help me with this