mixing an envelope signal with an aftertouch signal
Can someone tell me what is the best way to mix an envelope signal (0-1) with an aftertouch signal (0-1) so it pushes or overrides the envelope value towards 1 depending on key pressure?
cutoff = envelope : ef.dryWetMixer(aftertouch,1);
this doesnt seem to work... there is a weird input/outputs mismatch
it seems to be a trivial thing but I can't figure out how to do it with faustI set up this simple example in faust IDE
the aftertouch slider should bring the oscillation between 0 and 1 closer to 1 but I get an error I don't understand how to resolveimport("stdfaust.lib"); env = os.osc(1) * 0.5 + 0.5; process = ef.dryWetMixer(hslider("aftertouch",0,0,1,0.01),1);
inline function modulateEnvelopeWithAftertouch(envelope, aftertouch) { local modulatedSignal = envelope * (1 - aftertouch) + aftertouch; return modulatedSignal; };
@VirtualVirgin superb thank you. How would you go about to make the aftertouch value variable to be either 0 (aftertouch closes the filter) or 1 (aftertouch opens the filter) or have no effect at all (I would Imagine the aftertouch"intensity slider to go from -1 to 1 where 0 is no effect)
@Morphoice said in mixing an envelope signal with an aftertouch signal:
@VirtualVirgin superb thank you. How would you go about to make the aftertouch value variable to be either 0 (aftertouch closes the filter) or 1 (aftertouch opens the filter) or have no effect at all (I would Imagine the aftertouch"intensity slider to go from -1 to 1 where 0 is no effect)
I'm trying to understand what you are asking here.
So you want to to turn the aftertouch control signal into a 3 way switch?
Where in the signal path is the aftertouch happening? -
@VirtualVirgin everything is calculated in faust. there is an input for aftertouch pressure and an aftertouch intensity knob that goes from -1 to +1 where at 0 aftertouch has no effect and on +1 it opens the filter (on -1 it should close the filter respectively)