Hise freeze and have to force quit
Suddenly yesterday Hise freeze when I try to compile DSP Networks to dll, it has never happened to me before, does anybody recognize this and tell me what the problem is?
Hise freeze at this stage and I have to force quit.
I have tried to compile the networks when they are loaded, and not loaded, same issue
@ulrik did you try adding in a scriptFX of your own? Anything will do
@Lindon yes tried that as well, no luck
@Lindon wonder if there is some script somewhere that make Hise load a scriptFX and that it is damaged or something?
I mean when I click "Compile DSP....
@ulrik Ok I found what was causing Hise to freeze, it was my "node templates" that I made the other day, I removed them and now it seems to work again.
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