@dominik-mayer said in HISEScript-Sublime:
package-folder to HISEScript
Generally, it has to be. But I afraid of other repositories with the same name. So... I hope, when I get to package control, it will be much easier.
@dominik-mayer said in HISEScript-Sublime:
Package Settings > HISEScript > Settings - User
They are mentioned in the install guide on GitHub. Or not quite? ))
12 days waiting of review to package control...
Anyone has posted packages there yet? How long does it take?Still, have not touch any Prettier script to adopt for using with HISE syntax... Too much of proprietary work... Hope... Hope, there will be a couple of months to do what I endeavor.
Wish I was advanced enough to give it a try
@Levitanus Good work! Now make the same for Atom :p
@Levitanus Gotcha! Thank you :)
Is this outdated , cannot find it via package control ?
@lalalandsynth Just download it from the github page he linked. It is definitely outdated because HISE has had lots of additions since this ST package was updated.
ok, if its outdated , guess I will leave it for now.
Actually, The package itself is designed to be always up to date by parsing the current HISE git folder.
But, since I didn't look to the HISE folders\API structure for a while (I just can't find any commit that compiles on my machine), It can leak some API calls.
Still, the package present in packagecontorl.io and you can try it.