Connecting sliderpack on Interface script with different midiProcessor
I'm trying to create a simple sequencer where I can set the velocity per step with a sliderpack. I just can't find a way to connect it to the midiProcessor, that handles all the NoteOn/Off and Timer stuff. All I needed to do is to get the slider values to that midiProcessor. Any help is appreciated!
@Similija Add a sliderpack in both MIDI processors and you can connect them up via processor and parameter ID
One thing I forgot to mention. You need to register the sliderpack with the MIDI processor so that the other scripts can see it. This applies to tables too.
You can do this either by referring to a data object or using the registerAtParent function.
Here's an example
HiseSnippet 884.3oc0VssaSCCF1tadhVNNfGfHtpnNM0tScRHDP6ZgBrk.crwfKl7RbaMKwNj3NHfP7fvKCOR7F.+NIsIiUM1pFWrbQj8+A6u+y1JPZyBCkAHbwsi7YH70HciDpAMGP4BTmMP3aP1jFpXAFIjZD4SCCYNHLdlmpIfKNKJ96WOpA0kJrYYjPncjba1K4dbUFUqG+BtqaapCaatWNoW4wcrkhlRW4P.OyPph7o1GR6y1hpEq.AgmqkCWIC5pnJVHHSCoST2AxOIRjeGdH+.WldSMTW3fRHiZNf65XMxVCQH7rVYV9LIV9cIaxc3iom4AtULCiLMx6CvENMHU6b.oB4fzrIPZdRW6.tuJiiFOWkzQ.AjdTvUmGJIxhv+jzTBBHTK5QOj0N.1LVgxqUs5BFvu6+fdCE1JtTXHEaIULSQ46W5qkJV5akL9aV85MQd5qIP55xBlHaczM3zTrrXn2ArfELNh5NjMVPv7OtOctylO0NwpyInTzQvUl9rz8sktNZekd8Ii.nT2FDKvoHDfhJNRb6zHQWWtCKvBxKQb3ftNIiPMTrYfvD7MgCygpnH76Iqsxhuycu1U1d4UeU8t8+3S+jI7qUEwdt6UmCq9rYycMedkCVWbT8lut+GiL+PicMqX87CVutlyWLAVVU5AGP8np7FQl.wWVYQD5Mc1PeIovEPNXM9r.EW6zvavNBp8RRjJR1fEdnR5GKqmuTnsSL4bXbeVaXeGLrH8he.K7G465.BemzyHqLAbw4xnImVF8jTNel8VC8xfRn99wv8mluWXd73D9Pl5YLd+ApxKsJjhWpDjSDpLBGqrwCMFIK0wI6PKeur02aACnFQqdldKFv5y0sAehxhF.pW9RUED4hpB5Bop4Z4Rrt7UzbNrs3ZFznZljgemnIOLdQ5LzkpN9LG8v0TFPH+XkC5t4hPtJJ+v2ywfnpm5fnyJDmmXwU1ClLFKLALpmw8e.ioiuuNoUudLaUF.mkz9sS6r5+w0+Z4PEWzeSpJfqCx5FTvqVrYvsKDL23dTEzEGI6qNJ92kIbh27a3KkYswMz.l0FwD4QsCj6amTRoefvUho.XRD+dnhvCyf8Fim6j4m8f2qrus8wOpSn3RSqhKOsJtxzp3pSqhqMsJVeZUb8+sh5mS9jgJoWRYCBsoUq3lRXbKAEx.iyVQ+AzymEQM
@d-healey Thanks for pointing out the register-function. Two things I notice:
- When I try to do that and even in your example, the interface sliderpack somehow ends up with a huge number of sliders, ignoring the sliderAmount-property.
- My sliderpack only can connect to a processor ID, not a parameter. So what happens when I register two sliderpacks?
I noticed buggy behaviour in one of my projects too. Use refer to data instead and that should work.
Use the index property, it needs to match the index we pass to the register function or the create data object function.
@d-healey Thanks! Everything's working as expected now!