• Easy easy code signing :)

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    @d-healey Yeah it's weird. When I do it your way in the Projucer (so XCode does the codesign), then notarization fails and I have to replace the code signature manually...

    Although for one of the projects (for which I enabled audio inputs), it is the opposite. Manual codesign (altool) works but the microphone access isn't allowed - resulting in a successfully codesigned/notarized app but the audio input doesn't work - after being hardened. While through Projucer/XCode you can specify the mic access and the codesign/notarization works, so it is strange...

    I can't find the altool command that allows hardening with authorised mic access (and I don't have a machine recent enough to try with the new notarytool).

    So in definitive, I don't understand why I can make the manual codesigning work when it doesn't from XCode and vice-versa for another project, despite the certificate being the same (so the team and app ID...). I don't know if all of this is related to the timestamp issue you mentioned, I will perform more tests in the next few days.

  • Codesigning - Windows

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    22 Posts

    I am using ssl. com code signing certificate since a long.