Vector feathering update for RIVE - Interface Design
Just saw this amazing RIVE update and wanted to share :)
I noticed the graphic examples they showcase go more and more into VST territory - Which i think is a great direction!
@Straticah that's sexy as hell
how would you export something made in rive to hise?
would Convert SVG to Path work for this?I have only messed with blender and made animation strips with png files
thinking maybe you can choose "PNG sequence" and export it that way.
i have never seen this program before but looks fun for making guis -
@jeffd if you are looking for design only you can use png export from figma.
Cool thing about Rive is that you can embed any control + interactions logic into the UI element itself. This would shift a lot of UI and interaction work from developer back to the designer.
Edit: To answer your question Rive is not supported by native HISE yet
@Straticah im already not sleeping enough and here this comes. This looks too good. Im on it.