Trying to make custom button with LAF
Good day, I've been working for a few hours today on adjusting a knob with LAF. I'm not getting any errors, but I don't see the custom LAF being applied to my knobs. What am I doing wrong? I translated this script from a panel that I had customized, but I got the tip to actually do it via a knob.
//CUSTOM KNOBS MET LAFO (Look And Feel Overhaul) const var Envelope1 = Synth.getModulator("AHDSR Envelope1"); // Registreer de Look And Feel Laf.registerFunction("customRotary", function(g, obj) { Console.print("LAF applied to " + obj.text); g.setGradientFill([Colours.withAlpha(0xFF636070, 1), 25, 25, 0xFF0b0b0d, 0, 0]); g.fillEllipse([7.5, 7.5, obj.area[2] - 15, obj.area[3] - 15]); g.setGradientFill([Colours.withAlpha(0xFF636070, 1), 0, 0, 0xFF0b0b0d, 100, 100]); g.drawEllipse([7.5, 7.5, obj.area[2] - 15, obj.area[3] - 15], 1); var normalizedValue = (obj.value - obj.min) / (obj.max - obj.min); var maxRot = Math.toRadians(270); var rotation = normalizedValue * maxRot; var rotationArea = [obj.area[2] / 2, obj.area[3] / 2]; g.rotate(rotation, rotationArea); g.setColour(0xFF90929A); g.fillEllipse([13, 25, 2, 2]); g.rotate(-1 * rotation, rotationArea); var startOffset = 2.5; var arcThickness = 0.03; var arcWidth = 1.0 - 2.0 * arcThickness; var p = Content.createPath(); var endOffset = -startOffset + 2.0 * startOffset * normalizedValue; endOffset = Math.max(endOffset, -startOffset + 0.1); p.addArc([arcThickness, arcThickness, arcWidth, arcWidth], -startOffset, endOffset); g.setColour(Colours.white); var backgroundArc = Content.createPath(); backgroundArc.addArc([arcThickness, arcThickness, arcWidth, arcWidth], -2.5, 2.5); g.setColour(0xFF333333); g.drawPath(backgroundArc, backgroundArc.getBounds(obj.area[2]), obj.area[2] * arcThickness); g.setColour(0xFFFF5400); g.drawPath(p, p.getBounds(obj.area[2]), obj.area[2] * arcThickness); }); // Create Knob + Label in one widget inline function knobPanel(name, x, y, obj) { local control = Content.getComponent(name); if (!control) { control = Content.addKnob(name, x, y); Console.print(name + " created"); } if (!control) { Console.print("Error: " + name + " could not be created"); return; } Content.setPropertiesFromJSON(name, { "width": obj.width, "height": obj.height, "min": obj.min, "max": obj.max, "mode": "Rotary", "saveInPreset": true, "text": name, "popupText": true }); // Force LAF application control.setLocalLookAndFeel("customRotary"); return control; } // Knoppen callbacks inline function onknb1Control(component, value) { Envelope1.setAttribute(Envelope1.Attack, value); } Content.getComponent("firstKnob").setControlCallback(onknb1Control); inline function onknb2Control(component, value) { Envelope1.setAttribute(Envelope1.Sustain, value); } Content.getComponent("sustainKnob").setControlCallback(onknb2Control); inline function onknb3Control(component, value) { Envelope1.setAttribute(Envelope1.Decay, value); } Content.getComponent("decayKnob").setControlCallback(onknb3Control); inline function onknb4Control(component, value) { Envelope1.setAttribute(Envelope1.Release, value); } Content.getComponent("releaseKnob").setControlCallback(onknb4Control); const var rc20LFO = Synth.getModulator("RC20"); inline function onknb5Control(component, value) { rc20LFO.setIntensity(value); } Content.getComponent("rc20").setControlCallback(onknb5Control);
@tiesvdam That's not quite how look and feel is used.
Check out this video, but replace