Adjusting a filter Q from 9.4 to 9.9 with a 0-1 knob in Scriptnode
What nodes would I use to convert a 0-1 (0-100%) parameter knob value
to a value from 9.4 to 9.99 to connect to a filter's Q?I tried using a cable_table but it would have to be 99%-100% and still doesnt do it accurately
then I found the cable_expr node, is this the optimal one to use?
The fact that I has to compile the network throws me a little off course, I'm not even sure there is such a thing as a hardcoded scriptnode synthesizer. any workaround to achieve this without cable_expr?PS I've read Christoph's post about using the silentsynth instead with a hardcoded network, but the network simply sounds different (massively) when applied as an FX instead of scriptnode synth.
@Morphoice try a MinMax Node
Try this:
@Mighty23 superb thanks!... Also came across the blend node, both seem to do the trick.
@Mighty23 on second thought the blend node doesn't behave very linear, so minmax it is!
@Morphoice right click the filter q parameter, set the range, set skew to 1 and plug in your network parameter directly
The minmax node is great if you need to be able to change the range or skew at runtime.
@aaronventure your calculation can also be done using a PMA unscaled node. Set value to 0.5, plug the input into multiplier, and set add to 9.4.
As for the hardcoded synth thing, yeah I don't think that's a thing. You would have to warp the expr node into a separate network, compile it and use the compiled network inside the scriptnode synth.