ignoreEvent not working?
I might be being dumb here at 2am but it seems to me that
isn't behaving like it should.I have two script processors, one after another, the first one ignores all incoming notes and the second outputs a message in the onNoteOn callback, I was thinking that if I'm ignoring the event in the first script then the callback shouldn't be triggered in the second but that doesn't appear to be the case.
<Processor Type="SynthChain" ID="Master Chain" Bypassed="0" Gain="1" Balance="0" VoiceLimit="128" KillFadeTime="20" IconColour="0" packageName="" views="32.rk1bzA....DA.........DC.g4lakwF..BHfi9B.f.." currentView="-1"> <EditorStates BodyShown="0" Visible="1" Solo="0"/> <ChildProcessors> <Processor Type="MidiProcessorChain" ID="Midi Processor" Bypassed="0"> <EditorStates BodyShown="1" Visible="1" Solo="0" Folded="0"/> <ChildProcessors> <Processor Type="ScriptProcessor" ID="Script Processor" Bypassed="0" Script="function onNoteOn() { 	Message.ignoreEvent(true); } function onNoteOff() { 	 } function onController() { 	 } function onTimer() { 	 } function onControl(number, value) { 	 } "> <EditorStates BodyShown="1" Visible="1" Solo="0" contentShown="1" onInitOpen="0" onNoteOnOpen="1" onNoteOffOpen="0" onControllerOpen="0" onTimerOpen="0" onControlOpen="0"/> <ChildProcessors/> <Content/> </Processor> <Processor Type="ScriptProcessor" ID="Script Processor2" Bypassed="0" Script="function onNoteOn() { 	Console.print(Message.getNoteNumber()); } function onNoteOff() { 	 } function onController() { 	 } function onTimer() { 	 } function onControl(number, value) { 	 } "> <EditorStates BodyShown="1" Visible="1" Solo="0" contentShown="1" onInitOpen="0" onNoteOnOpen="1" onNoteOffOpen="0" onControllerOpen="0" onTimerOpen="0" onControlOpen="0"/> <ChildProcessors/> <Content/> </Processor> </ChildProcessors> </Processor> <Processor Type="ModulatorChain" ID="GainModulation" Bypassed="0" Intensity="1"> <EditorStates BodyShown="1" Visible="0" Solo="0" Folded="1"/> <ChildProcessors/> </Processor> <Processor Type="ModulatorChain" ID="PitchModulation" Bypassed="1" Intensity="0"> <EditorStates BodyShown="1" Visible="0" Solo="0" Folded="1"/> <ChildProcessors/> </Processor> <Processor Type="EffectChain" ID="FX" Bypassed="0"> <EditorStates BodyShown="1" Visible="0" Solo="0" Folded="1"/> <ChildProcessors/> </Processor> </ChildProcessors> <RoutingMatrix NumSourceChannels="2" Channel0="0" Send0="-1" Channel1="1" Send1="-1"/> <macro_controls> <macro name="Macro 1" value="0" midi_cc="-1"/> <macro name="Macro 2" value="0" midi_cc="-1"/> <macro name="Macro 3" value="0" midi_cc="-1"/> <macro name="Macro 4" value="0" midi_cc="-1"/> <macro name="Macro 5" value="0" midi_cc="-1"/> <macro name="Macro 6" value="0" midi_cc="-1"/> <macro name="Macro 7" value="0" midi_cc="-1"/> <macro name="Macro 8" value="0" midi_cc="-1"/> </macro_controls> <MidiAutomation/> </Processor>
Yeah, thanks for catching this one.
The fix is extremely trivial and I knew of this behavior so I am wondering why I didn't fix it before (I remember when implementing it I noticed it). But there is hardly any scenario which could benefit from this behavior.
Thanks for the quick fix, this really helped me with a little issue. I had a retrigger script for my sustains that was being triggered even though the MIDI muter was enabled, this fix solved it.