SliderPack popup value.
is there a way to change the sliderpack popup value?
I would love to find a way to change a sliderpack popup value from half-steps (1,2,3,4...12) to intervals (m2,M2,m3,M3, P4) etc... -
@marcLab I see where this is going :p We need another setValuePopup function.
@d-healey hahah indeed! :)
do you know if this was ever implemented? @d-healey
@Adam_G Use a custom LAF with this function
const var spPopupLaf = Content.createLocalLookAndFeel(); spPopupLaf.registerFunction("drawSliderPackTextPopup", function(g, obj) { g.setColour(Colours.indianred); g.drawAlignedText("Party time!!!", obj.area, "centred"); }); mySliderPack.setLocalLookAndFeel(spPopupLaf);