Floating Tile Keyboard setMouseCallback.
Is it possible to use the SetMouseCallback on the Floating Tile HISE keyboard?
I am trying to achieve a right-click contextual menu per note. User right clicks on a key > contextual menu appears> do stuff > key changes color>close menu.
If using the HISE keyboard is not the way to go, would it be possible to achieve this via LAF? or overlaying a panel on the keyboard...but then I wouldn't know how to get the exact location related to the key.Thanks!
@aulicon You might be able to do it with a broadcaster.
@d-healey yes a broadcaster seems to be way to go however is not clear to me if I can even get the “right click” mouse from the floating tile keyboard in the first place.
@aulicon With the broadcaster I believe it will work for all components. You will still need to do some calculation though to figure out which key was being right clicked I think.
@d-healey I get it now! Subscribing to your patreon helped a lot...thanks!