Troube with inverting control
Hey folks, so in researching how to implement an inverted pot I found this post,
I used the snippet from this post. only problem is, when I manipulate the "stealth" knob manually it alters the linked parameter, however when I alter the user facing knob, the linking works, but the parameter doesn't change.
Video of the problem for reference
@ccbl Without looking at the code, you're probably missing a
after setting its value, so you actually call its callback to say "hey! your value changed! please use it my boy!" -
Content.makeFrontInterface(600, 250); const var thresh = Content.getComponent("thresh"); inline function onsquashControl(component, value) { thresh.setValue(-24-value); }; Content.getComponent("squash").setControlCallback(onsquashControl);
This is what I used. It links the two controls nicely (as you can see from the video) but when the "thresh" knob is changed this way (via the "squash" knob") rather than directly manipulated the threshold (linked parameter) doesn't change.
@ccbl Cool that worked thanks!