Why does a compiled network start embedding audio file references when it was set to use an external slot?
<Processor Type="SilentSynth" ID="Silent Synth1" Bypassed="0" Gain="0.25" Balance="0.0" VoiceLimit="256.0" KillFadeTime="20.0" IconColour="0"> <ChildProcessors> <Processor Type="MidiProcessorChain" ID="Midi Processor" Bypassed="0"> <ChildProcessors/> </Processor> <Processor Type="ModulatorChain" ID="GainModulation" Bypassed="1" Intensity="1.0"> <ChildProcessors/> </Processor> <Processor Type="ModulatorChain" ID="PitchModulation" Bypassed="1" Intensity="0.0"> <ChildProcessors/> </Processor> <Processor Type="EffectChain" ID="FX" Bypassed="0"> <ChildProcessors> <Processor Type="HardcodedPolyphonicFX" ID="Hardcoded Polyphonic FX1" Bypassed="0" Network="player" Pitch="7.0" Loop="1.0" Attack="0.0" Hold="10000.0" Decay="10000.0" Sustain="1.0" Release="69.0" Reverse="0.0" Octave="0.0" FineTune="1.0" LoopStart="0.0" LoopEnd="1.0" Alternate="0.0" SampleStart="0.0" SampleEnd="1.0" StartLink="0.0"> <ChildProcessors/> <RoutingMatrix NumSourceChannels="2" Channel0="0" Send0="-1" Channel1="1" Send1="-1"/> <AudioFiles> <AudioFile EmbeddedData="D:\Samples\Silent Hill\Drum Loops\Silent Hill 2\Null Moon\VA1801_Loop_Deedrums.wav" MinValue="0" MaxValue="235199"/> </AudioFiles> </Processor> </ChildProcessors> </Processor> </ChildProcessors> <RoutingMatrix NumSourceChannels="2" Channel0="0" Send0="-1" Channel1="1" Send1="-1"/> </Processor>
I have a network with a SNEX node that plays a sample. It is setup to use External Slot 1. But when I compile the network, it starts embedding file references instead - ie; I was expecting embedded data in the XML to be empty or non-existent.
@Orvillain did you clear it out before setting it to the external slot?
No experience with snex audio files but if you create a table, draw a curve or something, then switch to an external slot, you can switch back and forth between the embedded response and the external slots, meaning the embedded data is always kept.