How to Compile Scriptnode?
Am I correct that the documentation is out-of-date? (Maybe I'm confused by the menu item, "Compile DSP networks as DLL".) Thanks!
@clevername27 said in How to Compile Scriptnode?:
Compile DSP networks as DLL
Yes. Then Close the project Restart HISE and take hardcodedMaster FX.
From the List Select the Copiled Binary (you will see the name of the Script node)use it and don't forget to enable Allow Compilation and Save the XML
And Finally "Documentation Out dated" ? Yes. many things in HISE Docs always been out dated. It always gets me trouble. lack of Information and proper code examples. Specially for API Functions. Many functions do not tell us how to use it. So HISE Docs is very weird to me. But Forum and Forum people are great.
@DabDab Thanks so much for your response, and cheers.
@DabDab Thank you again - one last question - what do I do with the original ScriptNode effects? (And if I was modulating them, do I need to rename them, and then name the Hardcoded Effect module to the corresponding ScriptNode effect? Thanks.
@clevername27 What I usually do is, first I make Effects or Synth via Script Node and Compile it for hard Coded master Fx. I do It for FAUST too. Then I use that compiled Hardcoded with in Synth / Sampler workflows.
@DabDab Thank you.