Issue with VSTi Export
Thank you all for what you do and bring to the Plugin development community. I am a first time HISE user. I was able to compile HISE on Windows 10 without IPP. I have created a few Plugins to test and upon export to VST I do get a few warnings, but I get this error...
and the export fails.
If their is anyone can point me to a solution I would be most grateful.
Thank you again,
@WaterSpoon OK best to also add in the version of Visual Studio you are using, and the version of HISE(Master or develop)
Thank you Lindon!! Visual Studio 2022 17.9.1 , HISE 3.6.2
HISE Develop 3.6.2 - apologies
@WaterSpoon Are you using the latest commit (from about 45 minutes ago)?
Thank you!! Yes I am.
I continue to mess with this. I went back and compiled the Master version can export using the HISE Master. thank you for looking at this and I will try the new develop version on a different PC.
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