The path to juice is incorrect
I have followed instruction exactly as is here : OSX
Clone this repository. It also includes the (slightly modified) JUCE source code, so it might take a while.
Extract the contents of tools/SDK/ to tools/SDK. Your tools folder should now contain folders named ASIOSDK2.3 and VST3 SDK.
Install xcpretty, a formatter for xcode. You can install it from the terminal using the command sudo gem install xcpretty.
Open the Projucer (there are compiled versions for every supported OS in the tools/projucer subdirectory) and load the HISE project (either projects/standalone/HISE Standalone.jucer or project/plugin/HISE.jucer).
as soon I do that I encounter with this warning : The path to Juce is incorrect, question, where its the path need to go? im going try to send it to the folder the hise master is since from there im doing all this installation , I decided early today to delete all and start from scratch , thanx in advance -
@WepaAudio If that's the one that pops up in the bottom left corner, there should be an option like Ignore this message, click that.
thank you , I did and everything seems going well , now, continuing with your 2019 video of the link you sent me ( thank you) I saved the project to IDE and it say : HISE stand alone ready ( no warnings, no nothing) so my question is: should I click- Build for running? I went to the debug folder you mention and its say : You can’t open the application “HISE Debug” because it may be damaged or incomplete.
its that because I need to do the build for running or what should I do, I downloaded your latest version of hise and the hise master, thank you -
@WepaAudio Build for profiling
I will post this photos so you can see and give me some light of
what could be wrong, thank you!,
@WepaAudio What version of XCode are you using?
Version 13.2.1 (13C100)
@WepaAudio Then I'm not sure. Could be you have IPP enabled?
its disabled by default and also there's no ipp stuff to delete, its look is pre made
I found this
I think you'll have to wait for someone else to chime in because I'm not sure what the issue is. It could be the xcode version but I can't say for certain.
im a person that like to try stuff even if it dosnt make sense, so went to HISE program and create a new project and did some tweaking after various attempts and it export , It opened perfect and worked on MY ABLETON DAW, so I dont know how, but it did, thanx,