What is happening here?
Hey there i get some strange artifacts at the end of the equalizer curve.
Any ideas how to fix this? I might need to crop it with a group.
I fixed this issue now with a transparent panel that groups as a clipping mask for the filter panel
@Straticah I need this too, could you make a snippet?
@d-healey not sure if i can re create this since its not made with LAF here is a screenshot :)
the panel would usually go beyond this container
@Straticah I don't quite follow. You're putting a floating tile within the floating tile?
@d-healey Oh wait I get it. You're using the outer one as a frame.
@Straticah I think I can use the same technique to solve this issue - https://forum.hise.audio/topic/8333/custom-table-path-look-and-feel?_=1698669282595
@d-healey good idea, just offset it inside the container for 2px or something.