Teacher, why does the Library.js code in Rhapsody 2.0.1 affect my Rhapsody startup speed? It takes about 20 seconds to display the software interface after each startup. How to remove the synchronization function.
namespace Library { const appData = FileSystem.getFolder(FileSystem.AppData); reg cache = appData.createDirectory("cache"); // cmbAdd const cmbAdd = Content.getComponent("cmbAdd"); cmbAdd.setControlCallback(oncmbAddControl); inline function oncmbAddControl(component, value) { switch (value) { case 1: Expansions.install(); break; case 2: LicenseHandler.show(); break; } component.setValue(-1); } const lafcmbAdd = Content.createLocalLookAndFeel(); cmbAdd.setLocalLookAndFeel(lafcmbAdd); lafcmbAdd.registerFunction("drawComboBox", function(g, obj) { var a = obj.area; var down = obj.down || obj.value; g.setColour(Colours.withAlpha(obj.bgColour, obj.hover && obj.enabled ? 0.7 + 0.3 * down: 0.9 - (0.3 * !obj.enabled))); g.fillRoundedRectangle(a, 2); g.setColour(Colours.withAlpha(Colours.black, obj.enabled ? 1.0 : 0.6)); g.drawRoundedRectangle([a[0] + 0.5, a[1] + 0.5, a[2] - 1, a[3] - 1], 2, 1); var wh = a[3] / 2; g.setColour(Colours.withAlpha(obj.itemColour1, obj.hover && obj.enabled ? 0.8 + 0.2 * down: 0.9 - (0.3 * !obj.enabled))); g.fillPath(Paths.icons.add, [a[0] + a[2] / 2 - wh / 2, a[1] + a[3] / 2 - wh / 2, wh, wh]); }); lafcmbAdd.registerFunction("drawPopupMenuBackground", function(g, obj) { LookAndFeel.drawPopupMenuBackground(); }); lafcmbAdd.registerFunction("drawPopupMenuItem", function(g, obj) { LookAndFeel.drawPopupMenuItem(); }); lafcmbAdd.registerFunction("getIdealPopupMenuItemSize", function(obj) { return [155, 30]; }); App.broadcasters.isDownloading.addListener(cmbAdd, "Disable the add combo box while downloads are in progress", function(state) { this.set("enabled", !state); }); // btnSync const btnSync = Content.getComponent("btnSync"); btnSync.set("enabled", true); btnSync.setLocalLookAndFeel(LookAndFeel.filledIconButton); btnSync.setControlCallback(onbtnSyncControl); inline function onbtnSyncControl(component, value) { if (value) return; if (!Account.isLoggedIn()) return Engine.showMessageBox("Login Required", "Please login to sync your account.", 0); if (!Server.isOnline()) return Engine.showMessageBox("Offline", "An internet connection is required.", 0); if (cooldownTimer.isTimerRunning()) return Engine.showMessageBox("Cool Down", "Please wait a few seconds before syncing again.", 0); if (Content.isCtrlDown()) clearCache(); updateCache(); Expansions.refresh(); UpdateChecker.checkForAppUpdate(); } App.broadcasters.isDownloading.addListener(btnSync, "Disable sync button while downloads are in progress", function(state) { this.set("enabled", !state); }); // Cooldown Timer const cooldownTimer = Engine.createTimerObject(); cooldownTimer.setTimerCallback(function() { btnSync.set("enabled", true); this.stopTimer(); }); inline function autoSync() { if (!Server.isOnline() || cooldownTimer.isTimerRunning()) return; local lastSync = UserSettings.getProperty(Engine.getName(), "lastSync"); local now = Date.getSystemTimeMs(); if ((now - lastSync) / 86400000 > 1) updateCache(); } inline function updateCatalogue() { local items = []; local installedExpansions = Expansions.getInstalledExpansionsData(); for (expName in installedExpansions) items.push(installedExpansions[expName]); local f = cache.getChildFile("cache.json"); local cacheData; if (isDefined(f) && f.isFile()) cacheData = f.loadEncryptedObject(App.systemId); if (!isDefined(cacheData) || !Account.isLoggedIn() || !Server.isOnline()) return Grid.update(items); for (x in cacheData) { if (!isDefined(x.format) || x.format != "expansion") continue; if (!isDefined(x.hasLicense) || !x.hasLicense) continue; if (!isDefined(x.tags) || x.tags == "") x.tags = []; x.tags.push("licensed"); if (!isDefined(installedExpansions[x.projectName])) { items.push(x); continue; } local e = installedExpansions[x.projectName]; local index = items.indexOf(e); local item = items[index]; for (property in x) { if (property == "tags") { mergeTags(item, x); continue; } item[property] = x[property]; } if (item.latestVersion > item.installedVersion) item.hasUpdate = true; } Grid.update(items); } inline function mergeTags(obj1, obj2) { if (!isDefined(obj2["tags"]) || !Array.isArray(obj2["tags"])) return; if (!isDefined(obj1["tags"])) return obj1["tags"] = obj2["tags"]; for (t in obj2["tags"]) obj1["tags"].pushIfNotAlreadyThere(t); } inline function clearCache() { if (isDefined(cache) && cache.isDirectory()) cache.deleteFileOrDirectory(); Server.cleanFinishedDownloads(); cache = appData.createDirectory("cache"); } inline function updateCache() { local token = Account.readToken(); if (!isDefined(token) || !Server.isOnline()) return; local endpoint = App.apiPrefix + "get_catalogue/"; local headers = ["Authorization: Bearer " + token]; local p = {}; Server.setBaseURL(App.baseUrl[App.mode]); Server.setHttpHeader(headers.join("\n")); Spinner.show("Syncing with Server"); Server.callWithGET(endpoint, p, function(status, response) { if (status == 200 && typeof response == "object" && response.length > 0) { var f = cache.getChildFile("cache.json"); f.writeEncryptedObject(response, App.systemId); updateCatalogue(); var imageUrls = getImageUrls(response); downloadImages(imageUrls); btnSync.set("enabled", false); cooldownTimer.startTimer(5000); UserSettings.setProperty(Engine.getName(), "lastSync", Date.getSystemTimeMs()); } else { if (isDefined(response.message)) Engine.showMessageBox("Error", response.message, 3); else Engine.showMessageBox("Error", "The server reported an error, please try again later or contact support.", 3); if (isDefined(response.message) && response.message.contains("You are not currently logged in")) Account.autoLogout(); } Spinner.hide(); }); } inline function getCachedImageNames() { local result = []; local files = FileSystem.findFiles(cache, "*.jpg", false); for (x in files) result.push(x.toString(x.NoExtension)); return result; } inline function getImageUrls(data) { local result = []; local cachedImages = getCachedImageNames(); for (x in data) { if (!isDefined(x.projectName)) continue; if (cachedImages.contains(x.projectName)) continue; if (isDefined(x.image)) result.push({"projectName": x.projectName, "url": x.image.replace(".b-cdn.net", ".com")}); } return result; } inline function downloadImages(urls) { Server.cleanFinishedDownloads(); Server.setBaseURL(App.baseUrl[App.mode]); local completed = []; local total = urls.length; for (x in urls) { local projectName = x.projectName; local url = x.url.replace(App.baseUrl[App.mode], ""); local f = cache.getChildFile(projectName + ".jpg"); Server.downloadFile(url, {}, f, function[total, projectName, completed]() { Spinner.show("Downloading Images"); if (this.data.finished) { completed.pushIfNotAlreadyThere(projectName); if (this.data.success) Grid.updateImage(projectName); else Console.print("Failed to download image for " + projectName); } if (completed.length >= total) Spinner.hide(); }); } } // Listeners App.broadcasters.loginChanged.addListener("Library login", "Respond to login changes", function(state) { clearCache(); if (state) updateCache(); else updateCatalogue(); }); // Calls updateCatalogue(); autoSync(); }
@GUJIAN Starting the software interface is extremely slow without connecting to the internet, taking about 20 seconds to launch
How to remove the synchronization function.
Scroll right to the bottom and comment out
without connecting to the internet, taking about 20 seconds to launch
I don't see a difference in speed here based on if my internet is enabled or not. Perhaps it's your computer, what CPU do you have and how much RAM. Also what OS?
Nice profile pic ;)
In the case of a network outage, the startup will be very slow, with a delay of more than 20 seconds before the software interface is displayed, which makes it very uncomfortable to use it selflessly.
操作系统是 WIN11,
CPU:第11代Intel(R)Core(TM)i9-11900K@3.50GHz 3.50 GHz
内存:32.0 GB(31.8 GB可用)
@GUJIAN Well your computer specs look good so I don't know why it is slow for you. On my system (with the internet disabled) the start up time is the same as with internet enabled.
If you're running it within HISE you can look in the server panel and see if anything is causing a slow down (try not to spam my server too much though).
Releasing autoSync() still has the same issue, but the speed is still slow when the network is disconnected. Please note that
AutoSync() and updateCatalogue(); The speed is faster, but in this way, there will be problems using the function. If you turn off the key and restart the software, the installed sound source will not be displayed
the speed is still slow when the network is disconnected. Please note that
I can't recreate this issue. Do you have this problem with the binary from the installer or just in HISE?
@GUJIAN said in Rhapsody-2.0.1:
If you turn off the key and restart the software, the installed sound source will not be displayed
I don't know what you mean by turn off the key.
@d-healey said in Rhapsody-2.0.1:
The email I gave you no-reply@patreon.com Sent me a video, and after you watch it, you will understand why what I said is slow.
The system has updated Microsoft. NET Framework 4.8.1 (KB5011048) for x64 bit Windows 11 and started normally again, strange
@Christoph-Hart I've been working with @GUJIAN and we found the cause of the issue.
He's in China, and the great firewall blocks google.com. I believe this site/address is used behind the scenes by the function
? So when he turns off his VPN he basically has to wait for the server call to timeout before he can do anything.Is there some China friendly method that could be used for that call instead?