Hise will not export
@d-healey I guess I need to know exactly what HISE path Im looking for.
@gryphonsegg as far as I know I am because if I dont it says that the source code is not in the folder. The one it accepts is the one that fails and yes I havce tried it with 2 versions of visual studio.
@gryphonsegg is it suppose to be pointing to the build? or the folder that is titled Hise-develop at the top of the folder structure?
@gryphonsegg i have to have the right one because it does not accept any other folder, so with that, something else must be making it fail. I am testing it with a sampler with only one audio sample on it.
@gryphonsegg I even went back and recompiled hise making sure of my VS versions etc and everything, but still will not export without the same fail message.
@gryphonsegg - screenshot the compiler settings from the Preferences in HISE....
How many copies of the HISE source are on your system?
@Lindon one as far as I know but I had one on here a year ago when I had spoke to you way back. If it is on here its on another drive and I dont know where it would be given that I am on about a 32 terrabyte system. I can look. Would that keep it from exporting as a VST though?
@d-healey one as far as I know but I had one on here a year ago when I had spoke to you way back. If it is on here its on another drive and I don't know where it would be given that I am on about a 32 terabyte system. I can look. Would that keep it from exporting as a VST though?
@d-healey thoughts?
@gryphonsegg In your path to Hise you have first HISE-develop, and then inside that folder you have HISE, it seems you have the Hise code inside the Hise code or something?
I have this path to my Hise code:
try to set your path to "F:\red specter VSTs\HISE-develop
@ulrik when you unzip the download you can name it whatever you want, it unzips it into a hise-develop folder, then into another hise-develop folder, I changed the name to test it, it still accepted the folder either way and did not let me export either way.
Did you extract the VST3 and ASIO SDKs?
@d-healey yes I did
yes it does
@gryphonsegg Ok it looks right, and your path to Hise ends with "HISE-develop/HISE-develop"?
@ulrik yes sir
@gryphonsegg hm..strange