Custom or LAF Preset Browser?
Hey guys!
Back again and now starting a major project! I'm making a player that plays multiple expansion instruments, somewhat similar to David's Rhapsody. I've included the snipped below for reference, with a draft GUI. I feel like I'm at the stage to make the preset browser, and I'm wondering if I should go at it from scratch, or do some LAF with Hise's built in browser. Looking for advice and if what I'm trying to achieve is possible with LAFor if i need to go fully custom. Here's a SS from the Rhapsody overview from David's channel as reference:
above all the columns, I'd like to add another panel (horizontally), with 2 buttons, one "factory" and one "playground". These would in theory act like tabs in the sense that when one is pressed, another "preset browser" would show up, maybe creating 2 instances of the hises default preset browser would solve this. For the "factory" tab, there'd be 4 columns, like in the picture. the first one would be a library/family column, (read only/not changeable, deletable, or modifiable) which would have image titles (Kontakt style like in the picture). The next column would be the bank column where all the instruments lie. Here's where the user can add or delete the banks, but not modify and it'd be also an image title column. If a user adds in a bank, the player would recognize the family its in and create the family in the previous column if not already there and add that instrument to that family, if a person deletes all the instruments in that family, the family would auto delete. Do you think a family column is itself needed or should I just remove that column? The 3rd column would be a preset column, with a default preset which is not deletable and has the ability to have user presets as well. The fourth is the info panel, where info along with a preview image will appear for the selected library/bank. The "playground" tab would be like the other factory tab, but the main difference is this: each factory instrument has 3 morph layers and in the "playground" workspace, you can mix and match morph layers from the different banks. So for the playground tab, it's just be 2 columns. The first would just have "factory" and "user" buttons which are unmodifiable and the second would have the presets for the different morph combos. I'm thinking of possibly adding a tag system for users to easily search up presets, which is also something to take into account. I know it's a lot to read, but I'm just currently looking for advice on what path to choose and to know your guy's experiences with the flexibility of the inbuilt preset browser's LAF and if you've ventured into making a custom browser. Thanks again for your time, any advice is appreciated!HiseSnippet 2583.3oc6ZszbaibDFPRvwhdksbh2bIWPT4CzaoHA9PxRIaJCRIxc4Z8fqnVk3xUhMHvPJTFDCJfgRhqip04wtwIWRt5bx2xegr2TU6efT0dI4l+I3K97t8fGDC.3aIWkqDwKRSOSOS2eSO8zC5tpMVE43fs43mc+NVHN92SnVGSxgabnhtIWkMoD1oTs8qZnzAYyUrikhiCRiime5OhNB9Ymgy82quWQECESUTHINtCv5pnszaoSBoVU995FFkUzP6q2hYz4kqnhM2.afaCRyzBRbVJpOQoIZGE5vlRfi+JkzzIX6ZDEBxgielhXsN0NDero23OP2QutAh1HCWMXh7HWFanQkXJUtMNT2PqZfV6vAyR0PLXZOL3VBaqqo2kdHVLuaGhgbvhG7SEU7lNh3kgU7jXDudHR7LhzLdhzMEpoZqaQB6gJOWSnhIAY2PAfcVQwarbS8AyHrAFFgIYoVJOAU1FZzkizqshzhhqJIcmeQpTKubAsinaeZhUULQFoRM6xKWznscJXSwgHdjhsnkoAkhj3uTLXVahHafaYgMgFoWHX.K.yXv+ujChTEvOxd31DcST5FsMUI5XyzMuSpmlZ1lK0.LGJXXjV5jUjxrZlUxjCXGnWG0T2bKpYWZhcaDPTD9AzwmPm4zYjVBDcQwkWdYQIQBVLijj+PPlZdLBLcJU8.koJ1psUTsIPk2FY1dPJE63n5FixAauT1rwFoanX3f7zbVF54XRoaZ.fgX.XHhMqSLCXKXzpARwhfDa.P.Ev54Z6CPyNn01eLmBqdu0TFIXg6P2274bCECi5vYwz8RHoJSHnx1uA1A0WTM9.WX3fBcXiOxDf3yNJaKiD13KuCGfXDXuiXoRkhQ21ASP6Zl1UzScZJw3c0nQO6yeFMnV28napSU6AwXZy1spirYAN5.AOMQceIze2WrdWU8fKlAhMqXpS10BY1Oetb9XL3p6l9RELThqitq66nqlgtFbgiN3OKkvSLqSusQhyUlYuggab3Oy4j+rSF+Wkxe4SjNWbm4bw84SxyMYbOuK25Fv8MEzbrip+u7E+WM4IXVxbgHKYuPlkKFbIerY44e6HgKyQmkBsrRBsbbV+ywdJxb9mhIDTYmhbSlTDCQWItf7fy39rJapPTnAW467AbHYgrI5Tec7ahNBhT0KTqYE1D47DB1BbI18F.HNXuUetf.wnQI4t3WW.tZgNofGBPdNgU+6v1nN1FD3Z5eNJI08Tzza6vR+XcMxgcI72+qxGhzadXXfzm8Gjq2jMbYcBpUuam0i.AcBgc.7uOi5c0npWkVPj2tp2MDza0rHb6VSabaSsAneifDaoXCqFyxFC7fXA8i2+CDdZ0818SJsw9Op7tasYo8NM7YHgRyRVlMoFYcmuq0ucoqQWnOFonMvsngoBxUGpJzu8ydu6yto8dB4ytd9bRqma0Uht6EoG9oRpuy6quPO0wEwm3eukJDqLMXGFM9wOWlQiusbKEnOAd2Caw0LVLKJxvUINx7rxxT6K3QZBtqXC.PhprokcTNBUwrpMBBcJ3wOipEn2N+V3lXFk4VGEUYhJjuVIw12mHOPkLz761Cv7iJDIL7li3+zQOourAVAdtSy8gYzWIZPf++9nN0wJ1QNFkmQId0WDSIp9WRfze5PsA8cw44OKkP2EMzgA0hZs72c00ysVTOGWSH+JYWes7qkKSurAWe06lc8UR3Jw025T+VdgmBu.aAX89UTkXgetXl7KkcQJsM0cr.zaWUBXDriaHnP2tAd61+V3iA1nb3M9OV2uozZts2nsCA25irUrNTW0IBqahZnz1fTvxBoXSC8F5k9XG2NKZ.NKfoZOX6.CcHszpq69as0jt65R2Mi6n1G2roAZarFJxLSesO75eSvIBUTbo8YNnCPpPfxLxR2UC5rrgBoFoiQrYpZofcg3zg.tsIgqR1.5kL0XV6UScZD6s4GkvkCMxDawZjgGpEzvNtCTZAnk2skp50AursX+bPO3LWGKgN5bHHKF+Au7Eu3qumS6FMzoteDD0JB7qoYfphczoOXIj2rmAGKa4P.0zym.+OIwgy6ahqmw8LI75lZzgF568YUj0cNfdUuphQR2NyOJuaHTUluyk.4DCjYY.x+8u+RfbbAxtujLTQN6ALv3Y0uDFGcXj8X8+4KuDFmPXLa+rFek4kv3nCi45m03kvHiheiQ+qMcBaDyLGtOdnvolW.kGD+SQDClkR.yxx9v5+3Ezee88Xg0m+sxgvpfPlkj5GHBKUbP7ml78HHGe0OATNi.D7dKbaGTMjIctORmzgtlRKsRDz75i9Wciw73AW.no7eajPy2sguaL5etwP8P9wiG7MlvTjCuCDl3pb1aOXZHtalHiPVOjbZuUQw2QL152QmIxHLOqGwGxdAymOtvm7EF787uYrfurW.v2WHyZLBMGMzL52aOTWe8e5BvcXhuc0+Se4Rz7NDpDu5Ku7lkwwLLxyo+pKuV4rw27i8Nky9yW.lemY++SA1rBC7I8UuibmxXZANd2oD+cSwLHYQwYihhEaSHfT5YAxTmHLP3KY+3hhC2BLZBU3mdDfTF8zq3LRrq22TXbKuTX3sbEswG6z+boIWUNRRHtgPT1ByDwrW4G89+3uKdtvl8Ju4MuIF0rTxAKkWFG9iS4kwAZ4mTC.COLl8KxS6ozIVJvFI1zofCLUsakXDt0Hncu4lVLNNIlRMc+MzHcERd2FM.00MAFcYpflVuWh8PlJs5ivuIx.Q5SekUNBaC.DsxIijzCOIqBnzZnhtIdLRVG1ocKObfJ747xuhaa2z1DjpjG5VMcRKkK1uEGS5.4eiWNdzcHErQJcwF+UXwd8mtb4IY6gOtphlFXONp7UCoXqdXQE6hzLES0zG50w1Xae7LdOglPw6I.oSzapSGZRi+WOSlMeYgl1kwttIDphsrzMcbaGMmoYjOJnrq3ml8r5One44NkPPYvc9xTeeV24525dSgXEXG6xqy3VS9QwtfT72Ee4eUaYV+C8JW480+P.4nH9fK1haK26jyyfAQR5dLPXKk59fvbBF0MX8qKv+ROrWfOkuPQ2hJr4AE1YiRaFSJCbDlL24qISo4kZ5P6E2wQS0HMq6EAWX8yYIBbKo3qIwti3wIujI4VYORSeOtU6GJDu5GYCtpyfRUO2Gl3ppObTDr3W.xkrxomWXarVaCERzB4llNJ+NnwNvV8zzJjldueG1pa+Bq5tGUQ7lBU0IpG1aYbpdHibbuUjQ+ZheNgRMZfTIgB3LBk+0ucJ.dNuZEu41JPjJzSQv8U0.aZUjeBwokmJ+TzxKyqsTPIr.Aro4136fe9clg1l2uyLAcx0RQ0F+HUuhKiV08W0kBHSl9Gy1l1VragwQi+yMlS8GopRU+eFD9Tu4I6DvStIfm7S.OqLA7r5Dvycm.dVaf7PqFiBsI3VdGG.BUK4FFHOeISp6MWqPtuGvsj5Hs
What you describe would require a custom solution, you can't use multiple stock preset browsers and have them show different presets.
I include my factory presets in a factory category and enable the read only factory presets option.
The preset browser has a tag system. It's a bit clunky though from what I understand.
If you want to save yourself a ton of work you could use the Rhapsody player for your instruments.
@d-healey thanks David for your time! How do you think I should start creating the custom browser, I’ve looked into the api and saw a couple preset browser functions, is there any video ls that you put out that could help? And I tried using the rhapsody player but the features I looking to add would be easier to add if I created my own!
How do you think I should start creating the custom browser,
Search the forum. I briefly attempted to create a custom one a few years ago and then decided to build upon the stock one instead.
I posted an example of a custom save preset button here -
I also made a video about it and put it out on Patreon a couple of weeks ago.
@d-healey Thanks! Will look into it and see what it leads me to!