Load preset after init
I have a specific case where I need to load a preset after init. (which in fact acts as an automatic preference recall with each session)
I'm currently using a timer and it works great but I can't prevent myself to see it as a cheesy workaround since you see the controls recalling after a delay...
Is there a callback of some sort that can trigger once init has done his job to load a preset in time?
Well after all, using a preset for a pref file might not be the best solution around but I tried my own system in the past and it gave me headaches, while it's very easy to implement with a preset, especially now with a broadcaster
Is there a callback of some sort that can trigger once init has done his job to load a preset in time?
Control callbacks triggers after on init.
@d-healey Yeah I was thinking about using a hidden component with saveInPreset enabled so it can trigger its CB.
I just hoped for a "made for this situation" solution :)I tried by just calling it in an inline function, but it appears the loading happens too soon and just don't load.
Though I thought functions would trigger only once everything is initialised and ready, right?EDIT: a component CB would load the preset in loop anyway because you need the component to save in the same preset it is calling... Or maybe with a flag...
Why do you need to load a preset after on init?
@d-healey First post, twice today, 3 = brownies point
It's not an audio plugin but it has to act like a standard application. So I use the preset as a pref file that needs to be loaded next time automatically. (I have a setting to remember preferences or not, so it loads either the "last pref preset" or a factory one)
@ustk a preset handler seems to work :
const presetHandler = Engine.createUserPresetHandler(); presetHandler.setPostCallback(function(presetFile) { Panel1.showControl(true); }); Engine.loadUserPreset("YourPreset.preset");
HiseSnippet 1200.3ocsV0saaaCElxIJs1aYsEXO.D9JE.OC61trgLTrD6XuYrjTiX2tALLDvHQaQDIRCRp3XTjaFF106AXuD6Ma2sKyNTTVxNwIK0.SWXKd9gmOdz24bXeovmpTBIxo7vYSnHmO0cvLtNrcHgwQ8ND47YtGSTZpDaE0Z1DhRQCPNNa7cFANk2Dk972eaKRDg6SKDgPuWv7oGwhY5Bo82+GXQQcIAzgr3Er9062yWvaKhDI.d1vsAZBw+BxX5IDiYkbQNa0IfoExAZhlpPNa1RDLaPnXJ2Z+6YJ14QTyhlnAvFYE2UDEXPrQJpcHKJn+7ysBA6R+hrvF1rvm6dLKfkKuHa77TE3BOVLe3TZY3swRvq48AuU.ImEfzlVH8B2A9R1DcgFCd9D2db3iyHBj1WDJVaQkNqjaaAXAWWOlbAsqDVj6g2tMZTCC+ry2ToBj5UZ7kDItOgSiZheCdtmio51h3IBNrvqpUcUvG6a0UvIzXpTD4MhDonEa2DIUQ0eOgGDALn2f6vGy3z59RJjgdmhJ6unAdFGWxk5vq8EJcaRTz4.YvaTB2WyDbOqYcYQzcp7gJkwq.KZYhAJWa10r.GIHAEg0q5Izo3l0s6k4DkejfvBex0mJRzfeEgcbZzFaLvRT8r+opOMjoMgCTFHISOHhMlSCFRuBByvPlBqnzXEVKvSExKv6sS0ZXMH2jcOR3ShZIR3AJuF6TCW0GxzRZP04ved7wB9IBM8sbuTbT45J3aqZznUpKKojlkWgZSkn7gbzimDeNUVCXHQIzbCA54xb9sdbbdeK0ZACE7dbl9sSnYqe3hVTF2Dd6c8NjnIlhlLYfcSnRMy.GmCoWBcfrkPkcOjptPKl.MSxIzPMjNql2VzzEHIvG8wCAtEhAH3YtKJpI5JjiqyeBQdl4kscxAiMJOy0xtZIESApF57wyaoUdKvo+wzpCnJwER+qa9iaVV5KyLN8I83U52J49gJXbUSJa.4RZqDsVvqtG1PyqMWSmqlP3J3Km5.ErUIwFKRKJyMIMwJWs6FFj5N6I7A1Z9RpJDCbNS8yd3lMxc5fffUGhSobnc9p0cHMhpuGccIWJjPFxLiXQcYHqGbpCnsDR3rszQ9jjXahv.9lohrq+QVfN7T36p.T7yfbLtQ8WcqmZejxAw+RZLNhozG.s4xyMYQn1p9K2KKxNULsOIH.HbOV+FPIR+vVDosIhwMqhiExr74s0Tvgtsl4Y56nsx0noljlg1+6.sOjxFGpMq10IsjLuj5I1RpsmOyxzUMsV5ot1Nrlhn4y8C1eVwhg6eOg3WAkWNuYhyFn6NgDlMKBRhH5kGXatkRlBntXoojlIg.uQOawaw7QLEuwCNE+wBwW31mo8CWMFKsBLB859+.iY28Ya2NiFQ80E.bS2t+z5dQm+ivaGvN9XhVxL8Ugp0AP+OeJDcNPTTlO8kLjK65Fl0lLv.JOHcwMvSlxll0NYJaNWIJl3KEm4amiYtc0SSk.XhmdwxxvMbg03lnzYafetMp2.ECWz6Leeyw+KfQPq1mWtF97p0vmWuF97kqgO6tF97UqgOe8C5i4N1GjnEw1xAPP+NoSAcb5vI.yJkEh9W.nixHQ
Just give this snippet a correct preset name
Edit : and hide the panel -
@d-healey Tried with a CB and a flag not to load in loop => crash
// NOT WORKING reg isPresetLoaded = false; inline function onButton1Control(component, value) { if (!isPresetLoaded) { if (rememberSettings) Engine.loadUserPreset("user.preset"); else Engine.loadUserPreset("factory.preset"); isPresetLoaded = true; } }; Content.getComponent("Button1").setControlCallback(onButton1Control);
@Matt_SF Thanks! trying..
@Matt_SF Nope in fact this can't help because it's the preset loading itself that causes me troubles, not the fact I want to do something after...
Ok so my test is showing that the preset loads during init, and then is replaced by the saved state of the interface.
In fact it's even creating a weird behaviour, blending both the preset and the current state...Steps to reproduce:
- btn 1 ON
- save XML
- btn1 OFF, btn 2 ON
- save preset
- Close/restart Hise and load XML
=> Strange result, the preset shows first with no current preset, then the XML state shows with the current preset
It's inverted. (the inversion of the current preset name doesn't shock me though, because it's normal it's not done loading...Interface: LOADING PRESET Interface: BTN 1 => 0.0 // In fact the preset Interface: BTN 2 => 1.0 Interface: BTN 1 => 1.0 New Preset // In fact the saved state Interface: BTN 2 => 0.0 New Preset
Weirder, after it's done, both buttons are ON on the interface...
HiseSnippet 1182.3ocsW01aaaCDlxIrX1qacEX66B9SNXYF1JoI8ErM+dgwRbLhS6ZQwPGiDsMQjHMnnhqQQ919Ise.8mz9GrcTT1R1wIHwXgeHx7dg2yc7tiW5KEtzvPgDYk+rYSnHqGiGLiqF2bLgwQcagr9A7QBhWeIMjppOTQkc4LEpwrIjvPpGxxZqWqE0J+1n30+7qMH9DtKMkDB8VAykdDK.zbA0909MlueGhG8LVPFo2uVWWAuovWDAvZKbEzDh6EjQzdDsX4vHqG01ioDxAJhhFhr1tgva1fwhobi7ukExN2mp2TEM.NHC4NBeOMh0TQMGy7AuJw8CQvozOMXrkIX783iYdrEzSCJeWLC6TMxFOrxsL71ZI3UMK7pjAdqARVYfz1FH8T7.WIahJkiFOeMtKGtZFRfvdVnXjEk6uygaJ.I3pxAjKncjvlEZT5fJU10F9yNupfdw39LN0dXD2UwDbaAuQjRI3U0GgT3WxUDLQvgCaW6KI9QzcJ74B4AlgBeZ4IRFWUpXiy5YW09m+E6h1+nQJ3aw3cs4ifyu7HppYjTBGyaBoRSBl9JtzN.Nt5UElCXsbyMHbtFnTbmxgZ5w.pIw2+bHGozpH03P2j+3be8GmGL+w418Gmk7mBq.siNodqt8dsc+SaOn8YE0Bk.IenxMELkJ1iN017aPW8GsvYhK8DJ5I7Rw9egqJXuJqgCWKuDz4Skqkst7VdaJVhGEbNUlM5qEDx4WtPBeyERYqycMA5LBJ35lVmLgxuopeTxsCTzkKAUfnp3RtuMojybWfXPkUdbRhFJFxY69gtGp6rp5v5McaQTDcweBj.XNgJULcDvpE8RnSpoUPdbKZ3EJwDvTKxnfdApjdWFy1ARBTL9nyXPjRa7mfyRpJ5Sol+80lktgUKA.Fq8DrIyogTLERoPmOZdK5Gi2u5968hCc16YNHlhFjggyyO7fW3bnS0LLbLWSwtYt+JG9yErsKpusFPtjZBLEeosRFQ2cNm1eZBgGBIMg0CgCIJPKwPheXpHwc2kqWccxa30NSH2xH9RrRICo65RjWZWsxBkp64sdSbJkC05qmWKpOUcC75PtTHgXi9Mur7RPVWvq8nMDRv2Vxk6EEXBDZvWMljY+uy7TiOEteE.iO.zssqTduUV6dOoCj+iXabDKTUWRIKhMIVX208YgVFjcpXZehmGj3cW0a.kHcG2fHaHh3dZO8CFFGKjIwyU4jlCsJm4Q5qwsvUno5fVZp+rZiorQiSGV4KxZnLkXO5NzX3lJqdeskM1WFspwP8tmFyIiw9yv6uwt9TFv7MBuHehZ4gdzS5kv.pEWZRC8zDPtpZV1dg+uMIzcEhOE2mobGudLlaMXT2u+A.iIyO9M31CGRcUo.babm28vLrH5TQjto9wDkjA4CXnCw.naqKErNmS80OfZkS+TmYeE8dcDX.k6Eu4egUByp58VILqNmIJf3JEez07BmdB0uJlBfId7v44wGq2au3cQLtR4Jn.XX4O55pc+eBd8c853rA5r2Fny9afNOaCz4fMPmC2.cd9spi9+SodjRDXJG.B8aG+xqkUaNAxrhyBQ+GvLm58g
I know this has a logical explanation and is the reason behind the necessity of exporting projects with default preset loaded already. Still, having a CB that triggers once everything is ready would be very useful in some situations
@ustk Do your preferences have to be stored in a preset? Why not use a json file and load that in a post init control callback?
@d-healey following
@d-healey I tried a json and it was usable but a pain to get it to work smoothly… the preset thing is absolutely easy especially when using a broadcaster. I might have do give another go with my own pref file