Monolith bug? crashes host
It Crashes on a Mac as well, when doing a Batch conversion - Convert all Samples option. It works for a while then crashes in between.
Any updates?
I need more info to find the issue here. This conversion dialogue is not build for robustness so it's likely that there's some crash when the input doesn't match the expectation.
Ideally you would run it in Debug mode in Xcode and give me the crash location, then I can help.
Crash Attached here: Crash Batch Conversion.txt?dl=0
Please try again with the recent version. 1.5.0 is 5 months old and it's no use debugging a deprecated version.
You should probably remove the ability to Download the Latest Version verbiage from the website, as that is not quite accurate. It would be good to have a way to download the latest after you build.
Attached is the crash report for version 1.6.0. The newest version seems to crash faster than even the older one.
Crash report: Crash.txt?dl=0
Can you try it with the Debug version? The crash log doesn't contain any symbols, which is weird, because even the Release version of HISE should have the symbols enabled.
Running it in Xcode should also point you directly to the faulty line.
Attached is the Debug Crash Log
Still nothing on this. Can't do Batch convert with HLAC with a large amount of samples. I was able to get non HLAC to work, but have not been able to convert batch without crashing it.
So far nothing has been done with this and still cannot consistently do a Batch convert without crashing. I have to do things one by one, which is extremely tedious with thousands of samples.