Faust linking Mac
@Christoph-Hart External Libraries to Link filled gives me this
What have you put in there? I think you only need to add
there, it will add the other decorators and paths to find the library itself. -
@Christoph-Hart LOL the full path /Users/filo/Filo/VST-Project/HISE-Setup-Installers-Software/Faust-2.50.6/lib
just 'faust' worked
but now our friend jassert
@hisefilo yeah don't bother, that's just debug stuff.
@Christoph-Hart awesome!! commented that jassert and I'm in!!!
Thanks for being there man! I really really appreciate that. Let's see what I can create with this awesome new HISE superpowers
Side-note: I was trying to manually integrate Faust to Hise source time ago, just replacing the processBlock with faust processBlock LOL. Made a sound at least!
@hisefilo yes, the integration should be way better now :)
Have you installed HISE on a new system? This dialog only shows if you haven't loaded a project yet in HISE.
Also you might want to disable Faust External Editor and add a Faust Editor Floating tile in the code editor tab, then you'll get the same UX as editing HiseScript with Faust including autocomplete and error highlighting...
@hisefilo oh you don't need to comment out these jasserts, just click the continue button on Xcode (in the debug panel).
Also you know that you're running the Debug build, right? It's much slower than the release version.
@Christoph-Hart Yes, I know! I just built a release version. Still getting this every time it opens
@Christoph-Hart also many unexpected quits. let me know if I can help in any way
@hisefilo yeah don‘t click on that icon - it generates a svg preview but that might explode with bigger patches :)
But if you send me the faust file I‘ll try to debug the crash.
@Christoph-Hart Diagram is not needed. I can see it in Faust, but. I cannot make it make a sound, nor edit the code :downcast_face_with_sweat:
Faust Code
import("music.lib"); import("filter.lib"); myString(freq,feedback) = +~(fdelay4(1024,delLength) <: (_+_')/2 : *(feedback)) with{ delLength = SR/freq - 1; }; frequency = hslider("freq",440,51,2000,0.01); feedback = hslider("feedback",0.99,0.95,1,0.01); gate = button("gate"); impulse = gate <: _,_' : - : >(0); process = impulse : myString(frequency,feedback)<:_,_;
@hisefilo @Christoph-Hart Figured out!!!!!!!! You NEED to create a new project folder, not to load an old one created with a previous version of HISE. I guess the faust thing needs some subfolders
That was causing the alert to be shown every time HISE started -
@hisefilo weird, normally it should create all missing folders when a old project is loaded...
BTW, I've just pushed a change to the build procedure that removes the necessity of putting in compiler flags into the projucer on macOS.
The instructions and how to install it are available here:
HISE/tools/faust at develop · christophhart/HISE
The open source framework for sample based instruments - HISE/tools/faust at develop · christophhart/HISE
GitHub (github.com)
If you want you can check whether this works on your end too, would be great to have confirmation that it works.
@Christoph-Hart will do!!! Thanks mate
@Christoph-Hart Confirmed! Works like a charm!
Still getting Linking errors after following eXzat website and reading this thread.
The include and lib paths set on Projucer are set by following the instructions.But after 3 builds (Profiling on Xcode), I am still getting this error.
Any Idea?