How to set markdown renderer alignment?
How do I set the text alignment?
@d-healey Text alignment isn't supported by markdown language.
@Dan-Korneff Sure, but this is the HISE version of markdown.
@d-healey I believe HISE uses a feature-reduced version of native markdown. You would have to create a custom CSS class and display it with HTML.
@Dan-Korneff I don't think CSS/HTML is possible in HISE. I'm not sure how Markdown is implemented in HISE but hopefully Christoph can point me in the right direction.
There may be a hack to center text.If your Markdown processor supports HTML, you can place these tags around whatever text you want to center align.
Also:Alignment You can align text in the columns to the left, right, or center by adding a colon (:) to the left, right, or on both side of the hyphens within the header row.
Maybe you can put your text into a cell, align how you would like, then hide the cell lines?
@Dan-Korneff I don't think any of this is possible with HISE