Get Sample Rate in Hz from Effect
Hello, I am trying to read out the Sample Rate from the Degrade Effect using a Script so that I can display it elsewhere.
When running
(index 2 maps to Rate from the Degrade module) it returns the value the knob is currently set to in my case a value between 0.0 and 1.0. Is there a way to read out the Sample Rate from an Effect ModuleThanks in advance!
It seems like this is a bug for these components.
The Sample Rate is taking a numeric value between 0.5 and 0.65 for it to function properly. 0.5 is the minimum = 44100Hz. You cannot use the frequency mode on the sliders for this. Same for the PostFilter while this one takes values between 0 and 1.0, using a Frequency Slider results in a Crash of Hise.