Step by step debugging a plugin?
Hi guys sorry for the noob question.
What is the steps for debugging a plugin? -
@Steve-Mohican if you think it's in your script then you have to delete large chunks of your script and see if the problem persists, rinse repeat...
Are you debugging a plugin (a compiled binary) or are you debugging your project within HISE?
@d-healey A compiled plugin. Because it works without any issues in Hise but I see some dysfunctionalities in the compiled plugin unfortunately
@Steve-Mohican Before debugging the plugin see if you get the same issues with a standalone build. If you do then debug the standalone. Debugging a standalone build is simpler because you don't have to take into account any strangeness created by different plugin hosts.
@d-healey I will try thanks, do I need to "Enable debugging" mode in Hise before exporting?
@Steve-Mohican No, first export as a standard release build and see if there are any issues. If there are then you need to export as a debug build, to do this you open the project's .jucer file (it should be in the binaries folder) and export through xcode/vs as you would when building HISE and create a debug build.