Again....compiling error
I am a novice here, installed Hise, VST3 SDK, Visual Studio 2017.
Fiddling around with a project, adding samples, trying to figure out how scripting works.But when exporting my project this message pops up.
Re-saving file: D:\HiseAG4\Binaries\AutogeneratedProject.jucer
Finished saving: Visual Studio 2017
Finished saving: Xcode (MacOSX)
Finished saving: Xcode (iOS)
Finished saving: Linux Makefile
Compiling 64bit Instrument plugin AGtest ...
The system cannot find the path specified.
Press any key to continue . . .Of course I have searched here for solutions, I am quite sure to have installed all necessary software, pointing to the right folders etc..
Apparently I am doing something wrong. Any help would be very appreciated.
I feel a bit awkward being the 50th person with this problem btw, I am not a script guru (this may be clear already), but eager to learn.
Working with Hise 2.0.0 - build 650. -
@erikag said in Again....compiling error:
Working with Hise 2.0.0 - build 650.
You need to build the latest version of HISE from source. Don't use the pre-built version for anything serious, it's very old and won't compile projects against the latest source code.
This is where I landed, never believed that I ever would see a Visual Studio screen.
The manual says that I need to Compile, but, stupid me, I cannot find a compile button?Is this the right place anyway in the process of building Hise up?
@erikag Check out my YouTube channel, I have a video showing how to compile
I will! Thanks
Sorry, I have installed also the Intel oneApi 2021 ( I guess this is the right one), I get this error report, so still no Hise :(
@erikag don't use IPP for now, it just complicates things
Where can I disable IPP?
Is it only in Projucer in
Modules > hi_core > USE_IPP : disabledor somewhere else?
@erikag I think I showed in the video, you need to add USE_IPP=0 in the preprocessor definitions as well.
Sorry again, I have visited YT with the docu vids on building Hise (2017 and 2019). There is a short moment with the Projucer window showing the USE_IPP disabled. I have done that of course.
Where do I "add USE_IPP=0 in the preprocessor definitions as well*", this may be obvious to anybody here, but I can't figure out. Where are the preprocessor definitions? -
Thank you so so much David! I couldn't have done anything wothout your help here. Now I can start the fun part....
Unfortunately I get the same result as in the first post, where should I indicate the path that can't be find?
I hoped that everything would be OK now, but I'll need soem more patience. -
@erikag In project preferences you have to select your HISE source code folder.
I have done this from the start. Myabe I am using the wrong syntaxis: I see in your example /, where mine uses
Should i adapt this?
This is where Hise is located:
@erikag How many copies of the HISE source code do you have on your system? Uncheck Use IPP since you're not using it.
I guess only one, this one you see (but I will check this). Indeed I should have unchecked USE IPP
I haven't found any other Hise source code copy, it was difficult enough to compile this one :)