Starting to use HISE is one of the biggest pains in the neck I've ever had
This is the version working at my end...2021 January version should work too...
@AudioHobbyist said in Starting to use HISE is one of the biggest pains in the neck I've ever had:
This is coming from the perspective of someone who's never had to deal with compiling from source just to tinker around with samples and put together instruments, to be fair, but I'm at my wit's end here. And pardon me if the title comes off as rude, I just feel frustrated.
This is the first stage of becoming a HISE user. We've all been there.
For the simplest build use Visual Studio 2017 (via the obscure forum link - thanks Microsoft!) and build without the IPP. I haven't been able to get the latest version of IPP to work with VS2017. Unfortunately Intel prevents us from downloading earlier, compatible, versions of IPP.
Once you have Visual Studio 2017 installed and you've removed IPP things should be smoother. If you're still struggling let me know and we can get in a call with screen sharing and I can walk you through it.
You've also got more fun to look forward to with setting it up on a MacOS system.
@AudioHobbyist As @d-healey says start without IPP.
However, if you do want it later here's the last installers I downloaded last year which worked with VS2017 / XCode 10.3:
@DanH That was a smart move! Thanks
@d-healey Yeah I figured I'd keep hold of them just in case!
@DanH Life saver. It's completely insane of Intel to have removed the old downloads.
@Rudra-Ghosh I agree, HISE is not easy to get started with, but once you get over the initial hump it's much nicer. For this particular issue, do not retarget the project, but rather add the correct SDK version to Visual Studio. The version it's looking for is 10.0.16299.0.
You can add the SDK by running Visual Studio Installer, clicking Modify by Visual Studio 2017, then going to Optional, and checking it in the list.
Hopefully we'll improve the docs soon, at least to remove conflicting information.
@Zorpley No... I have VS 2019. I don't use 2017... And I have SDK 10.0.16299.0 installed.. look the GIF... it's 2019.
@Rudra-Ghosh I believe I had quite a lot of trouble with 2019 and never got it to work. Installing 2017 is the way to go.
@Zorpley For my case it is just opposite. I don't know why.. but somehow 2019 works perfect for me with JUCE 6.0.7
As for trying without IPP, I did try setting the flag to 'disabled' several times over yesterday, but it seems to turn up the exact same errors... I might see if uninstalling helps, but I would like to experiment with convolution.
@AudioHobbyist You can use the convolution without IPP, but IPP makes it more efficient.
@d-healey Well, that's what I mean, everyone would like their results to be as efficient as possible.
@AudioHobbyist Of course, but don't worry about it for now. You have a way to go on your HISE journey before IPP efficiency is the thing to focus on.
@AudioHobbyist I feel your pain. Yes, there is a lot to be desired with regards to user-friendliness for starting out with HISE. It is a major pain every step of the way- compiling HISE to work, programming your plugin, compiling your plugin, getting it signed (and notarized), making installers. It won't be quick or easy, I can guarantee you that.
But, as with all things worth-while pursuing, it takes dedication and effort. Only the most dedicated people in life achieve extraordinary things. If you are really dedicated to creating your own plugins, with your own brand on your own terms, then be prepared to do whatever it takes to get there.
Things that others can easily do will mean getting lost in the sea of competition, for example packaging a few samples into a ZIP archive. But, designing and creating your own sampled instrument- only the most dedicated will pursue. So, if you are willing to do what it takes to "swim with the sharks" :) forget about giving up.
@gorangrooves It's just that I wish there were an alternative where I can just kind of hop in and learn building an instrument, not building the software to make the instrument in the first place. Like, say, Kontakt for instance. But I'm not a fan of Kontakt.
I did learn of something called Linuxsampler which extends the SFZ format with KSP-like scripting called NSKP (aka not-KSP) but I have no idea if it's actively developed. It probably isn't as flexible anyway.
We'll see how far I get if my motivation ever comes back.
@AudioHobbyist I feel you. I also wish the process was much more straightforward. I think the main reason why the website is outdated is that Christoph doesn't have the time to update it. He is single-handed building this incredible platform, so that doesn't leave much time to update everything. I can also totally relate to that too.
The thing is that in order to compile plugins, you need to utilize the source code of HISE and JUCE. And all of that has to be hooked up and working perfectly with Visual Studio and/or XCode. Even then, when you expect that 2+2=4, you actually get 2+2=3.48735 and then headaches of trouble-shooting.
Have you checked out HalION by Steinberg? I think that is a much better option than Kontakt. End-users can download LE version of the software for free, which can load your completed Library. You can also design the GUI right inside the HalION. It is the next best thing to building your own plugins in HISE.
@AudioHobbyist Why not start with the older version which is ready to go?
Have a play around. You can do loads with it. You might decide it's not for you, and then you've saved loads of time not having to compile the scriptnode version. You'll have a plugin ready to use extremely quickly I reckon, I did, and eventually moved to scriptnode after researching the compiling process thoroughly (and posting a few qs on the forum!)
The extra stuff in the scriptnode branch is quite advanced (mostly). Cross that bridge if and when you get to it.
@gorangrooves said in Starting to use HISE is one of the biggest pains in the neck I've ever had:
The thing is that in order to compile plugins, you need to utilize the source code of HISE and JUCE.
Makes me wish the HISE player wasn't dropped! But if you get far enough to compile HISE in the first place...
@DanH I just worry about bugs, mostly. And scriptnode being advanced as it may be, I'm not a stranger to tinkering with more complex things - it's just the whole compiling process draining my energy.