Drums sequencer in Hise ?
Possible but not easy for a beginner.
@Jerems134 You'll have to be a panel master I'm afraid
@d-healey With video tutorial I can : )
@Jerems134 You just forgot the "s" at the end of tutorial"s"
@Christoph-Hart A configurable step sequencer would be a good feature to add in the future update of Hise like the floating tile keyboard.
@Jerems134 The problem with that is that it will require a set of features/customization per user... You probably don't want to see the exact same thing in many plugins, so my guess is that it should be something entirely user-made since Hise already allows you to do it. It takes just time to learn how and requires to be quite involved I confess... But here is just my opinion :)
@ustk Of course, it's beter to learn and do something personalized, but step sequencers often have the same characteristics, we would save time by having a customizable base.
Basic things:
- Pattern length
- Time grid (1/16, 1/32 etc.)
- Magnetism on grid or free
- 12 or 16 tracks / sample slot
- MIDI rec input from the keyboard or the drum pad
- Syncronized BPM with Daw or free
For more, Hise's user can customize it:
- Colors, background
- Volume, pan, pitch on each sample slot
- Drag user sample
- Repeated note
- Drum machine groove
- send CV / Gate
- FX send
and I must forget ...