Knob / Button area
When you resize a Knob / Button etc it resizes from the top left corner. So it's 'area' can only be extended to the right and downwards. Is there a way to have the button etc sit on a different side of it's area? i.e so you can change where it's 'area' originates from?
No. What are you wanting to do?
@d-healey I'd like my label, which is to the left of the corresponding button, to be inside the button area. I know there are some ways to make this kind of thing work - however - I'm using your tabbed interface script (excellent script!) and this is one of those buttons. When I give the button any kind of additional functionality it robs the button of the tabbed interface function.
Use a panel
@d-healey so swap out the tabbed interface buttons for panels, and then do some extra scripting on those panels to get the function I want?
@DanH Which script of mine are you using?
@d-healey "Creating a tabbed interface in HISE" from 1/08/19
@DanH Oh from my video, I thought I'd posted a script somewhere. Yeah for what you need do it all with panels.
@d-healey Thanks David, after examining the script I figured out how to add another array and set of instructions so am good... It's nice when things begin to click on the scripting front :)