Routing Issues / SOLVED
On my plugin I have a Dry/Wet path , I think I routed everything correctly , and it works testing with the sine gen.
However, when I export and open in DAW I get no wet path i.e no signal through that path.Also, when I save the XML and reopen the path has changed and no audio is passed via the wet path ?
I set it again , test , works , export ,open in daw and no signal ?All very strange.
Here is my layout.
This is the main routing on top.
Then the wet and dry split.
This is then the output routing that works when testing but not on export.
And this is what it looks like when I close and open the project .
The routing has changed ? And this is probably the routing that gets exported ?
Am I doing anything wrong and btw , what is the difference between a grey and blue connection , cannot find anything in the manual.
I tried saving a new xml , and now it opens with the correct routing , trying exporting again ..lets see ?
- EDIT: no audio coming through wet path on export.
Not sure how to debug this ?
2 . EDIT: Exporting with all processing on Dry path , make sure all of that stuff is working.
SO everything on 1/2.- EDIT : Exporting with everything on 1/2 seems to work although it does not load all impulses ?
- EDIT: no audio coming through wet path on export.
Strangely , this now works , sorry for the false alarm ?