Trying to create a retina GUI, but am hitting max allowable resolution.
900 by 700 is the max. I need 2048 x 1536
Edit: Oh, well I need 1024x768. Then I need to scale the 2048x1536 image to fit in there.
Use the half resolution and scale every image by 50%. Retina displays will be using the full resolution automatically.
Edit: saw your edit too late :)
How do I do it?
Edit: There's no scale option that I can see. Also, like I said, the background image width/height are maxed out. I have a 2048x1536 image. I import it into HISE interface. Now I need to scale it down to 1024x768. I can't find that option. Also, I can't even set the image size to that.
I think this post has the answer you require -
I don't think this is working correctly. There should not be a gap. Also, not sure why the decision was made to invert the scale. 2 * resolution should be double the size, 1/2 (0.5) should be half but whatevs!
I'll take a look at it tomorrow. Meanwhile, you could use the ScriptPanel and simple draw the image there (the ScriptPanel is working correctly, I am using it for another iPad project).
const var Panel = Content.addPanel("Panel", 0, 0); // [JSON Panel] Content.setPropertiesFromJSON("Panel", { "width": 1024, "height": 768 }); // [/JSON Panel] // Load the retina image with double resolution Panel.loadImage("{PROJECT_FOLDER}bg.png", "bg"); Panel.setPaintRoutine(function(g) { // name, x, y, w, h, xOffset, yOffset g.drawImage("bg", [0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()], 0, 0); });