clicking 'drum pad" buttons OF MY PLUG-IN in my DAW dont record midi notes
Yes, you can send MIDI out from button clicks.
I am working on a series of MIDI plugins at the moment.You need to enable MIDI out in settings:
When using UI components to generate MIDI notes, you need to use Synth.addNoteOn() and Synth.addNoteOff() on the callback to you component.
Here I have pads (made with panels) which play chords when you use a mouse click.
It turns the notes off when the mouse is up.// mouse callbacks for the pads -- pad.setMouseCallback(function[unitSize](event) { var ps =; var l = ps.length; if (event.clicked) { var velocity = Math.round(event.y / unitSize * 127); for (k = 0; k < l; k++) Synth.addNoteOn(1, ps[k], velocity, 0); } if (event.mouseUp) { for (k = 0; k < l; k++) Synth.addNoteOff(1, ps[k], 0); } });
To get the MIDI to output from the plugin,
as others have said you must use Message.sendToMidiOut();To make sure it catches everything (and not some intermediate stage of MIDI),
I always place these functions in a script processor and container after all of my other containers:
And place the Message.sendToMidiOut() on each of the three MIDI callbacks:
@ulrik if that works I’ll put it straight into morphDrum