Midi device JUCE
Hello, I am brand new to HISE and I feel like I have discovered buried treasure. I have a Mac standalone app I wrote with Juce that is a bridge for another app I’ve written for mixed reality(all music based). My standalone Juce app creates a virtual midi device to send midi out on. Is this something that is possible in HISE. I know there is something akin to sendmidiout but does that create a new virtual midi device which is what I do in Juce or does that attach itself to an existing midi device? Is this possible in Hise? I know windows doesn’t support this(yet, it’s coming this year) but right now I’m just building for the Mac.
@jdurnil I don't believe this is possible with HISE
Being new I don’t know the answer to this question but how hard is it to implement custom JUCE functionality like this in a HISE project?
@jdurnil said in Midi device JUCE:
how hard
That depends on your capabilities.
Start here - https://docs.hise.dev/cpp_api/index.html#introduction
Thanks, my HISE skills are non existent as of yet, but I’m ok, just ok with c++ and JUCE. I’ve got the app pretty much done in JUCE but I’d like to implement in HISE for various reasons
I found sendtomidiout in the message class in the scriptingapi.h, it is also defined in main controller. I see how I can add methods to get or create device in these areas, my question is it is probably not wise to modify maincontroller