Filmstrip creation
Hi all,
Recently moved from Kontakt over to Hise. Absolutely loving it, so much easier / faster! One thing I was wondering is if anyone could help me with is the filmstrips for custom knobs etc.
Are you all still using Knobman? Or is there another technique, in Illustrator or Photoshop? If there is, could anyone point me towards a tutorial, or give me an idea as to how you go about it?
@jon83 In HISE you can create custom controls using panels. These controls are vector images so will scale perfectly to any size without blurring, in fact this has been discussed recently -
You can of course use film-strips too. Knobman is the old favourite, I also like to create them in Inkscape which has some handy tools for cloning objects with slight adjustments (like rotating a knob over the course of 127 frames :) ) There's probably similar functions in illustrator.
Perfect, I hadn't seen that! Thanks very much. The paint routine is totally new to me, I've read the script panels manual, but it's still not fully clicked yet. Will have a read through that post, hopefully will make more sense. There's a post linked below with a 3D style knob, right at the bottom, created in Illustrator. Cant seem to figure out whether it's just a case of copy and pasting 127 different knob states, or it's done by an easier way?
Photorealism knob... my first attempt.
@dustbro wow!! 3d makes a difference. Ive done my UIs on Adobe Illustrator. The main thing I learned is size rules. Doing a lot of detail for a final 36px kn...
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Hi everyone ! can someone help me concerning a button created in knobman.
I dont know why but the image is cutted in half, and when i click the other half pops up above. Can someone help me please? Thanks! -
@nesta99 This Is Because The PNG Hight Width Is Not Set Currectly In Hise Or Knobman / Skin Man.
@nesta99 Makes Sure The On State Has Same Hight/Width Just Like The Off State On Your PNG.
And Set It Correctly In Hise Aswell
Thanks. I'll give a try now.
I dont know why its still doing this. do you have an idea? -
@nesta99 can you provide the image strip? Otherwise it is difficult to figure out the issue.
Change Scale Factor To 1
And In Your Skin Editor App Make Sure The Image Strip Output Generates Only 2 Frames.It Looks Like That One Has 3 Or More
Pad Use the Image or the .Knob file from the Zip file... Use 75X75 WXH.... Frame Count 2
@nesta99 Use the HISE Archive Project from here.....pad
@Natan Thanks a lot man!!!
@Rudra-Ghosh Wow!! thats fantastic. It works. Lemme see how you made it in knobman. Thanks -
@Natan & @Rudra-Ghosh
So what I've done is doing 2 pad drums on figma and exported them as a png. I loaded them to Knobam and tried to create the animation. Now I figured out that is far away easier to create everything on knobman! Thanks Guys!!!! -
@nesta99 Glad to help...
:) -
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