Limits on Recursion?
Does anyone know the limit on recursion for inline functions? Are there exceptions, or can an inline function never (ever) call itself?
recursion works. try at your own risk.
I believe it is also dependant on what parameters you pass, for a simple int it should not be that bad but passing down huge objects might cause it to give up sooner since in theory it consumes more memory.
inline function count(currentNumber) { if(currentNumber <= 100) { Console.print("Count: " + currentNumber); count(currentNumber + 1); // Recursive call } } // Start the recursion with 1 count(1);
@oskarsh Thank you - that makes sense. This simplifies my code immensely.
I was thinking that a lot of recursion - like a recursive descent parser - would be too much. I know there are some error messages that HISE throws to protect against recursion (which is a good thing), but apparently doing it one layer deep is cool.
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